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Friday, January 1, 2016

CPIM Plenum concludes!Organisation -- Extracts From Resolution

CPIM Plenum concludes!Organisation -- Extracts From Resolution

December 31, 2015

With the unanimous adoption of the Report on Organisation and the
Resolution on Organisation, the Plenum on Organisation came to a
successful conclusion today.

A total of 191 amendments and suggestions were received to the Draft
Report on Organisation, of which 36 were accepted. There were 73
amendments and suggestions to the Draft Resolution on Organisation, of
which 6 were accepted.

Polit Bureau Member Prakash Karat replied to the discussion on the Draft
Report on Organisation while General Secretary Sitaram Yechury replied to
the discussion on the Draft Resolution on Organisation.

On behalf of the Plenum, Chairperson of the Presidium, Manik Sarkar
thanked the West Bengal State Committee and through it the entire
membership of the Party in West Bengal for the excellent arrangements that
were made for the success of the Plenum.
Press Release

The Plenum on organisation, convened as directed by the 21st Party Congress:

Resolved to strengthen and streamline our Party's organisational
capacities to meet the current challenges by unleashing mightier people's
struggles to develop the independent strength of our Party in conformity
with our adopted political-tactical line. This line is aimed at changing
the correlation of class forces amongst the Indian people in favour of the
Left and Democratic Front, the precursor to the People's Democratic Front
and advance towards the successful culmination of the People's Democratic

In order to accomplish this, the Plenum decided:

        To rapidly increase our independent strength by adopting a mass
line and our intervention capacities, strengthen Left unity and to forge
the Left and Democratic Front not only as an electoral front but as a
fighting alliance of forces for an economic, social and political change
by isolating the reactionary ruling classes.
        To effectively implement united front tactics to discharge the
dual tasks of unity and struggle by developing joint movements, enabling
us to approach sections of the exploited classes who currently are under
the influence of bourgeois parties.
        To employ flexible tactics to deal with swift changes that may
occur in the political situation in accordance with our Political-Tactical
        To set up joint platforms with various social movements, people's
mobilizations and issue based movements.
        To dovetail electoral tactics to the primacy of building the Left
and Democratic Front.

        To strengthen class and mass struggles by:
o       Forging a broad front of agricultural workers, poor peasants, middle
peasants, rural workers in the non-farm sections, artisans and other
sections of the rural poor against the landlord-rural rich nexus.
o       Organising workers in key and strategic industries; organising contract
workers in both the organized and unorganized sectors; establishing
area-based organisations in coordination with between trade unions, youth,
women etc.
o       Organising the urban poor in the bastis/local areas; establishing
occupation based neighbourhood-mohallah-basti committees.
o       Strengthening work amongst the middle classes particularly ideological
work by the establishment of various fora like citizens forums, platforms
to promote cultural activities/actions; scientific temper and others
related to their life and work. Strengthening work in residential
associations, pensioners associations and professional bodies.

Through these methods, the Plenum decided that the CPI(M) must:

        Strengthen our links with the Indian people to empower ourselves
to unleash mightier mass and class struggles.
        Effectively adopt and implement the mass line of the Party to
ensure the establishment of such live links with the people.
        Focus on advancing the Agrarian Revolution, the axis of the
Democratic revolution, by forging unity in struggles of all rural
exploited sections of people.
        Strengthen efforts to develop the worker-peasant alliance.
        Focus mainly on
o       Forging class and mass struggles on economic and social issues to widen
the Party's influence and to rally the Left and democratic forces.
o       Adopting a mass line and establish live links with the people.
o       Streamlining the organisation to build a revolutionary Party with
quality membership of high quality.
o       Making special efforts to attract youth to the Party.
o       Waging the ideological struggle against communalism, neo-liberalism and
reactionary ideologies.

The Plenum also decided that:

"All these tasks must be implemented in a time-bound manner beginning from
the Party C.C. Centre. State Committees must concretise such time-bound
implementation plans and review them in a year's time".

The Plenum redoubled the CPI(M)'s resolve by stating:

"No social transformation is possible, in fact, cannot be conceived
without the vast mass of people belonging to all exploited classes rising
in revolt against the exploiting ruling classes. In the final analysis it
is the people who make history. Revolutionary history is no exception. A
revolutionary Party, the CPI(M), must emerge as the vanguard of this
people's upsurge. This is our historic responsibility".

"Let us redouble our resolve, at this plenum, to advance towards
discharging this responsibility!

"Forward towards a stronger CPI(M) with an all India mass base!

"Forward towards a revolutionary Party with a Mass Line!"

{For CPI(M) Central Committee Office}

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