My father Pulin Babu lived and died for Indigenous Aboriginal Black Untouchables. His Life and Time Covered Great Indian Holocaust of Partition and the Plight of Refugees in India. Which Continues as continues the Manusmriti Apartheid Rule in the Divided bleeding Geopolitics. Whatever I stumbled to know about this span, I present you. many things are UNKNOWN to me. Pl contribute.
Palash Biswas
While my Parents Pulin Babu and basanti Devi were living
"The Day India Burned"--A Documentary On Partition Part-1/9
Partition of India - refugees displaced by the partition
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Rohith’s death: We are all to blame!माफ करें हिटलर की औलादों को रोहित वेमुला कायर ही लगेगा।अखलाक से रोहित तक की मौत के जो गुनहगार हैं,उन पर क्यों हुक्मरान मेहरवान है?सब पता है क्यों अखलाक मारा गया क्यों रोहित की जान गई, फिर क्यों अपराधियों की पीठ पर हुक्मरान का हाथ है ?
हिन्दी के जाने माने कवि , आलोचक, कलाविद, संस्कृतिकर्मी अशोक वाजपेयी द्वारा रोहित वेमुला की आत्महत्या के विरोध में हैदराबाद विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा प्रदान किये गए डी.लिट उपाधि लौटाने के फैसले का स्वागत। साथ में दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के अंतरिम वीसी द्वारा विश्विद्यालय कैम्पस में राम मंदिर निर्माण के पक्ष में सेमीनार और सुब्रह्मण्यम स्वामी के साम्प्रदायिक उत्तेजक भाषण की अनुमति देने के लिए भर्त्सना।
Sarita Snigdh Jyotsnaहो सकता है कल आसाराम भी जेल से बाहर हो भाषण देने पहुंच जाए...और दिल्ली विश्व विद्यालय में तथाकथित सबसे बड़े देशभक्त तालियाँ बजाएं.....
गौतम राजरिशीAshok Vajpayi returns his DLit to Hyd Univ after `Dalit' student suicide. When I asked him if he knew the reason for suicide: I have no idea
Uday Prakashयह साल २०१६ अशोक वाजपेयी जी के जीवन का ७५ वां साल है। उनके सुदीर्घ जीवन की शुभकामना के साथ इतना और कहना है कि उनका यह नैतिक , मानवीय , आधुनिक और साहसिक निर्णय हमारे समय की सब से सुन्दर कविता है। इसी साल मैं यह भी चाहूँगा कि उन पर एक ऐसी फिल्म बना सकूँ...See More
Jeevesh Prabhakarये वो सहर तो नहीं जिसकी आरज़ू लेकर...... बयादे रोहित वेमुला (=जीवेश प्रभाकर= ) जिसे रोहित वेमुला की आत्महत्या कहकर प्रचारित किया जा रहा है दरअसल वह एक पूरे समाज का अवसान है , तथाकथित सभ्य, सुसंस्कृत व शिक्षित समाज का । स्वघोषित भद्रजनो के बीच एक उत्साह...See More
Prafull Mishraकुछ उलझनें हैं ! आप प्रोफ़ेसर भी हैं सो एक शिक्षक धर्म के नाते सवाल ? --- ''ये दर्द इतने चुने हुए क्यों हैं ??'' इसी धरती पर , इसी देश में - किसी 'दलित' या किसी 'मुस्लिम' के अलावा भी कोई और रहता है ? क्या उसके साथ भी अन्याय होता है ? , क्या उसके प्र...See More
Muneendra Mishraउदय जी बड़ा कठिन निर्णय है जो इतनी सरलता से लिया गया है। जब आपने लौटाया था साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार तब वह राजनैतिक वापसी की संज्ञा नही पाया था सचमुच आपने उचित समय पर पुरस्कार वापस किया था परंतु धीरे धीरे पुरस्कार वापसी चश्में से देखा जाने लगा और अब कोई ...See More
Binod Kumar Dubeyअब फिर पिछली वाली खूँखार टीम वापस आ गयी है अबकि ये महान (?)लोग पहले गृहयुद्ध करवा के मानेंगे फिर आईएस आईएस का आना सुगम हो जाएगा ,उसे इन लोगों ने न्योता तो पहले ही दे दिया है.पृष्ठभूमि तैयार कर रहे हैं.और देश सावधान भी नहीं होगा यह भी सही है .
Binod Kumar Dubeyऔर हाँ,बोलने ,अभिव्यक्ति आदि की आजादी तो इन्हें ही है या ओबैसी या आजम या लालू जैसों को .स्वामी को क्यों मिले कोई छूट.? मैं उदय प्रकाश या उनकी पूरी टीम की सोच पर घृणा व्यक्त करता हूँ और उन की घोर निंदा और भर्त्सना करता हूँ,मुझे उन घटिया लोगों की तरह प्रगतिशील कहलाने का कोई शौक नहीं . जो मालदा पूर्णिया आदि पर तो चुप रहते हैं और टुच्ची बातों पर चोंच खोलने की हिमाकत करते हैं उनपर लानत ही भेजी जा सकती है....छिः.
Naresh Saxenaउदय जी मैं आपसे पूरी तरह सहमत हूं।अशोक जी की कुछ शूटिंग मैं कर चुका हूं।लेखकों पर फिल्मों की एक सीरीज बनानी है।आप भी उसमें रहेंगे।कुछ औपचारिकताओं के अपूर्ण रहते उसकी घोषणा नहीं कर रहा।लेकिन यथा संभव काम जारी है।सामाजिक अन्याय के विरुद्ध हस्तक्षेप ने लेखकों को एक नई प्रतिष्ठा दी है।
Supply Sodium Cynanide and a Rope to every Dalit student-Rohit to the VC a month before he took his life
This letter, dated December 18, 2015 has not been so widely quoted nor has it gone viral. It is a comment on all of us, especially those of us in the media, that we failed to read the warnings or feel the anguish. After all it is since August 2015 that the social boycott and ostracizing of Dalit students, including Rohitjhah was systematically afoot. That is close to five months ago….
India's unparalleled revolutionary leader B.R.Ambedkar's infamous dictum is 'Educate, Agitate, Organise,' none of which the Indian Brahmanical state wants the 200 million Dalits (former untouchables) to do and this intentional objective of the state was exemplified in the death of an young Dalit scholar Rohit Vemula of University of Hyderabad who aspired to become a scientist like Carl Sagan....
A letter that should shake our world: Dalit scholar suicide triggers outrage
Published on: January 18, 2016
Rohith (right) carrying a poster of Ambedkar along with other belongings, after his suspension
Rohith Vemula will live on
Anguished and shocked at Rohith's death, expelled students vow to continue the protest with support of others
Nationwide protests will take place following the suicide by Vemula Rohith, a Dalit student at the university of Hyderabad (UoH) on the evening of Sunday, January 17. The first protest, spontaneous and angry, took place at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) late night, about 9.30 p.m. on Sunday January 17, 2016 itself. Vemula Rohith left a poignant suicide note before he took his life by hanging himself in the room of a colleague-friend in Hyderabad.....
Text and context: How a 16-month-old video clip is today's 'breaking news'
Written by Javed Anand | Published on: January 18, 2016
Looking for some reference material on the subject, I did a Google search this morning on 'Islam and women'. To my shock and horror the 'lead' news headline that leapt out of page 1 was this: "Allah allows Muslims to rape non-Muslim women in order to humiliate them, claims Islamic professor". Source of the News? Zee News....
Gaurav RastogiEvery person doing suicide is either weak or incapable to handle its present worries which r the result of his own past acts. Same situation of a student is given in movie 3 idiots
Gaurav RastogiI hv a personal experience of it when I met a person who commit suicide n escaped dn he said himself n realised dat life is beautiful n it was his cowardly act
Nandan Nilekani appointed as Chairman of program to provide unique identification numbers
Vaman Meshram Explains Caste system and Discrimination in context of Indian History
National President Mulnivasi BAMCEF Declaers ACTION sinc 2010 AS socia,geographical and Global Networking COMPLETE.Twenty Nine State ORGS with more than Two THOUSAND Castes Came Togetherl
Ladies Serve FOOD
a Glimpse of Community Kichen
Facing My People
Me Addressing my Kith and Kin and speaking on UNIQUE Identity Number and Mass Destruction Agenda
Dharamaveer, then Governor of Bengal 9second from Left) with Jyoti basu, deputy CM, Mrs Indira gandhi, PM and Ajoy Mukherjee , CM. Dharamveer belonged to Dhramanagari in Bijnore, Sabita`s maternal Home. Bengali Refugees in Bijnore had been resettled in the State of King Jwala Prasad. Dharmaveer was the Eldest PRINCE of the State
Marichjhanpi Massacre, First genocide by the Marxist Brahaminical Hegemony
Mahendra singh Tikait, the leader of bharatiya Kisan Union and me during the Massive Rally under Peasant uprising in western UP
The Poet with Us
Baba nagarjun the Poet at our Amravati residence where he stayed with us. From Left Shobhakant , the youngest son of the Poet, Me ,Baba and Sabita
Me and Sabita in Home Town
Me and sabita in our Home Town Nainital after our marriage
Cancer Ward
ND Tiwari assureing my Dying father who later succumbed to Cancer in 2001 that he would establish a canser Hospital as my father wished last. Tiwari never Visited Basantipur after my Father`s death and simply forgot about the hospital
MIli and Subhash with the Poet
Mili, My cousin Subhash `s Wife, who died succumbing to Septosemia in NRS Hospital on first May 1995, Subhsh, Me and Sabita with the Prominet Hindi Poet Baba Nagarjun who also died later flanked by Left Totan , only son of Mili and subhsh and Tussu. Baba satyed with us in 1992
Tussu in darjiling
My son Tussu in darjiling the place we visited together
MY family
Standing from Left Sisiter Bhanu and Bharati, Namita wife of Padmlochan, Sabita, Jethima, Mother Basanti devi and othersSeated from LeftPadm Lochan , my younger Brother , my Youngest Brother, Arun , My cousin with his daughter KRISHNA, Jethamoshai, My Father Pulin babu, me and panchanan, my youngest Brother Panchanan and seated on floor the generation Next
Generation Next
From Left, Biplab , the eleder Son of Padmalochan my brother, Tussu my son and Tutul, the yonger son of Lochan. Biplabis no more as heexpired on 25th May 1991, four days after the death of rajiv Gandhi in Bomb Blast. biplab sucumbed to Fever at aged only Six
My eldest cousin Meeradi with her Grand son shivanand who is a Young Man but Deaf and dumb
My villagers
My Villagers during the last journey of their Comrade, and head of the Village family, Pulin Babu
Last Rites
We all brothers and boys at home during Last Rites of my father while Jethamoshai looks on
Me9thirdfrom left with DSB Friends in seventies
My Father`s elder Brother
ND Tiwar at Home
ND Tiwari on the Death Bed of his Close Friend, my Father accepts ISHWAR KI Galti
Me in GIc
Whie I landed in Nainital GIC
Mango Tree at Home
This Mango TREE is Identity Mark at Home in Basantipur
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