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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Comments on Maoist Movement - Should not revolutionaries review on this? [1 Attachment]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rishi Raj Baral <>
Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 5:04 PM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Comments on Maoist Movement - Should not revolutionaries review on this? [1 Attachment]
To: "" <>

<*>[Attachment(s) from Rishi Raj Baral included below]

Attached an article by Rishi Raj Baral

Should not revolutionaries review on this?
 (Comrade Basant's two articles 'The question of building a new type of communist party' and ' The International Communist Movement and Nepalese Revolution', have raised a lot of debates and discussions within the Maoist movement inside the country and abroad. Particularly, 'Should not our chairman speak on this?' has become a significant subject matter of discussion among the cadres of UCPN (Maoist). Here we have some comments on these articles and we request our viewers to participate on this issue.)
From: mukesh roshan <>
Subject: Re: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Debates and discussions on Maoist Movement in Nepal (Two articles in english as text and attachments) [2 Attachments]
Date: Monday, July 25, 2011
 From: Sultana Rajia <>
Subject: Re: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Debates and discussions on Maoist Movement in Nepal (Two articles in english as text and attachments)
To:                                                                                             Date: Sunday, July 31, 2011
Comrade, Many thanks for sending these two important docs.
Subject: Re: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Debates and discussions on Maoist Movement in Nepal (Two articles in english as text and attachments)
Date: Wednesday, 3 August, 2011
A year back I posted a comment in these columns assessing the ideologically revisionist turn the chairman of the NCP(Maoist) is taking. I said that the CPN(M) will go the way CPI(M) in India. I also condemned the version of adding "Prachnda Path" to the party's name. This trend is very bad and against the international  Marxist Proletarian Spirit.
It's most urgent and essential to all true revolutionary thinkers and activists to condemn all such nonsense of adding paths /isms to the individuals. A true revolutionary leader is one who desists such things and always encourage  collective leadership. The true revolutionary leadership should teach, guide  cadres at all levels to discourage sheepish mentality and encourage practicing healthy dialectical process of analysis/ examination/self criticism/criticism/unity and be participatory all the time.
The two articles below as part of a debate in NCP(Maoist) are quite educative for me.
I thank ever one involved in this process and Com.Basanta.

From: Hasan Sikder <>
Subject: Re: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Debates and discussions on Maoist Movement in Nepal (Two articles in english as text and attachments)
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2011
Dear Comrade,
I want to make a comment in response to  you. I think what you said about adding thought/ism with individual's name is not correct. In that case, Marxism, Leninism, Mao Thought and Maoism would be nonsense? But Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is not nonsense. Every revolution has its guide, thought, ism that is developed with the creative application of the doctrine they took. So, certainly Nepalese revolution also should have its own development of idea. So, saying Prachanda Path is not the main problem. The main problem is whether or not that path is correct, whether that path is a communist path or a non communist path. There are two types of thought, one communist the other is nationalist. Example of nationalist thought is Juche idea. Prachanda path couldn't prove itself as a communist thought as Prachanda and his party took bourgeoisie path by surrendering to imperialism and their rotten system. Comrade Basanta still is not saying that their party became a revisionist party. Still thier leaders are making compromise with Prachanda, Baburam and others. Sruggle for post and power. Is this a communist trend? What people will think? Actually their party is bogged down in revisionism since long ago. They need throrough rectification. So, I think Rishi Raj Baral said the truth. He made the correct caution. So, thank Baral.
Re: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Debates and discussions on Maoist Movement in Nepal (Two articles in english as text and attachments)
On Thu, 4/8/11, Hasan Sikder <> wrote
Dear Comrade,
Your comment is educative. Yes my comment on adding isms was to express caution against the  the danger of dogmatic and sheepish  mentality of the cadre in any party or movement. I would have elaborated on this to avoid confusion.  I am  clear and not against adding ism to historically proven and practiced by people in a span of time , say Marx-Lenin-Mao.

I read Rishi Raj Baral and I am one who appreciate his timely intervention. Yes, ofcourse, I sincerely thank Com.Baral.
I am not fully aware of the NCP's internal leadership struggle. Trying to study and  understand better.
Thanks for your educative comment on my mail.
B S Raju
Divash Sharma  on
August 4, 2011
I read the article with great interest. The analysis depicts the reality and diagnoses the issues of revolution with objectivity and fairness. However, the "revolutionary transformation of the whole party including chairman.." is just a subjective aspiration. The dilemma is that the revolutionaries inside the UCPN (M) wish to harvest a high quality apple from the bamboo grass. This is neither normal expectation nor possible. Nostalgia does not help, past could not be recreated and transforming Khrushchev into Lenin is not possible. Therefore, if the revolutionaries inside the party fail to take out this "U" factor from U-CPN (M) and the revisionist ideology associated with it and could not get success to reorganize CPN (M) as a vibrant political vanguard, the political mess inside the party and in the country would continue. This is a simple fact, until now the revolutionaries have rejected to accept.
Nick Brown on
August 5, 2011
I agree with Divash. From afar, it appears that the leadership of the UCPN sold out the revolution when they entered the peace process. They talked about preparing for a people's revolt, but nothing really seemed to come of this. I know there were a couple left breakaway factions. I hope in the future Next Front covers what they are doing to try to advance the revolution. I certainly hope that the revisionists inside the UCPN can be swept aside so the revolution can be carried forward in Nepal.
 BY Rishi Raj Baral
Recently published two articles 'The question of building a new type of communist party' and ' The International Communist Movement and Nepalese Revolution' by Comrade Basant have raised a lot of debates and discussions within the Maoist movement inside the country and abroad. Particularly the second article has created  sharp debates and discussions  within UCPN (Maoist). 'Should not our chairman speak on this?' has become an noteworthy subject matter among the Maoist cadres. No doubt, these are the articles of high significant, boldly written by Politburo member Comrade Basanta. And we are eagerly waiting for the comments of Maoist Parties associated with RIM, especially from RCP( America) .
In the article 'The International Communist Movement and Nepalese Revolution', Comrade Basanta has asked Prachand 'Should not our chairman speak on this?' As he has mentioned –Why our chairman remains tight-lipped when one of the PBMs of our party, who claims ideologically and politically close to chairman, accuses in our party CC meeting that the RCP leader Bob Avakian is a CIA agent and another PBM writes in an article that Bob Avakian is a renegade? Should not our chairman speak on this?
But it is a matter of sorrow that Pranchand  has not spoken on this issue until now,  and  it is clear that he will not speak on this issue also in the future. It is known to all that politically and ideologically Prachand  has already rotten and he  has chosen the easy path of Khrushchev and Deng. And we know transforming Khrushchev into Lenin is not possible. But it is a matter of surprise and it irks us  that Comrade Basant repeatedly using the terminology 'revolutionary  transformation of Pranchand.' Not only Comrade Basanta, other senior Comrades from revolutionary faction are repeatedly using the terminology 'revolutionary transformation of Prachand', as if they are not competent to move the vehicle of revolution without Prachand.  This type of contradictory vision creates misunderstandings and confusions among the cadres.   It seems that the leaders of revolutionary camp have not confidence in their own supremacy, revolutionary path and leadership and they are looking 'Prachandpath' to march a head. Really it's a matter of irony. It makes the cadres very  upset and worried.
 We have already mentioned that if the main leader is not ready to go ahead then there is no other way to move the vehicle of revolution except to break relations with the revisionists. To prepare mentally and physically for this kind of movement is the only correct way shown by the history. We must be ready to denounce the revisionists and raise the flag of MLM and revolution. Recently in an article, 'Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: Proletarianism or Intellectualism!' Maoist intellectual Ramesh Sharma has mentioned that, 'The minimum task thus, to be done at present is to replace the architect of revisionism from the leadership of UCPN(Maoist) and to bring the party back to the stage of 1994 with the objective of undertaking revolutionary steps.
Yes, it is a noteworthy analysis.
First of all, we have to be clear that a revolutionary party means a vanguard party politically and ideologically. Without breaking the relation with all types of opportunism, we cannot move ahead. New step is needed, that is to overthrow the opportunists from the party and restructuring and reestablishing the revolutionary line in the party.  We must also be clear that two line struggle alone would not serve the real purpose in the party. Class struggle is the need of hour that alone would determine the revolutionary course in the party. Without being clear on this issue, we cannot go ahead. Those comrades, who claim to be revolutionary leaders in the UCPN (Maoist), need to be clear on this issue.
In the article 'The question of building a new type of communist party,' Comrade Basant has mentioned:  Revolutionaries must be prepared for every type of sacrifice in this process. However, what to do if the main leadership does not transform? This question also has been answered in an explicit way. What is true is that however challenging the situation is a revolutionary does not turn back from any challenge, rather prepares for that. In fact, a new team of leaders and cadres, which is equipped with the experience of 10 years of people's war and has ideologically sharpened further from the latest two-line struggles waged from Kharipati to Palungtar, is capable and prepared to confront this challenge.
Yes, it is true. But mere words are not enough, it needs in practice.  It has been cleared that the alliance made with Bhattarai and Narayankaji has not produced fruitful outcome. Rather than, this alliance has enlarged   the dissatisfactions and   delusions among the cadres. It was not the scientific way to solve the ideological problems running within the party. In fact, this alliance has minimized the significance of ideology and has damaged the image of revolutionaries. We are badly entrapped into the politics of  compromise and inaction.  This alliance has weakened the struggle to confront the challenges. I would like to ask one question to the senior comrades of  the revolutionary camp–Should not our revolutionaries review on this ?

Comrades  ! now the time has come to  leap forward in action for achieving the main goal. Otherwise tour revolutionary rhetoric would be like the saying: Empty vessels make sound.
In conclusion, I would like to cite the famous philosophical line of Karl Marx: Philosophers have only interpreted the world in certain ways Ù the point is to change it.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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