Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts has converted to Hinduism! Maneka, Rambha, Urvashi, Beetles, Hippies,Maddona, Shkira and Now the Pretty Woman!Hindutva and the Vedic Heaven Springs So many Brand Ambassadors for Global Brhamainical System!Buffet and Gates to urge Indian rich to donate wealth!
Kashmir breathes uneasy calm!Kashmir issue: Both factions of Hurriyat reject Centre's talks offer!
Al-Qaeda's new 'global operations head' plotting attacks against US, West!Twist in the Hatred Campign to Legitimate war against Terror!Resurgence of Global Hindutva is quite WAKA WAKA these Days!
Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time - Four Hundred Forty NINE
Palash Biswas
Cricket, Nationalism,Blind Ethnonationalism, Hollywood and Free Market Emerge as the Best Tools for Hindutva Missiles!Meanwhile,Kashmir breathes UNEASY Calm. Years before while I was still Indulged in Poetry and had been sacred with the Disntegration of USSR, I could not resist myself to write:
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Quota Politics, Muslims, Jat and MULNIVASI - a knol by Palash Biswas
8 Feb 2010 ... Available from: http://knol.google.com/k/palash-biswas/quota- .... the Grip of Foreign Origin Brahmin Zionist Manusmriti Rule and hegemony. ...
knol.google.com/k/palash-biswas/quota-politics-muslims-jat.../5 - Cached
Aarakshan ko dilli gherenge Jat - a knol by Palash Biswas
5 Feb 2010 ... Available from: http://knol.google.com/k/palash-biswas/aarakshan-ko-dilli-gherenge-jat/ ... the Brahamins would Sustain the Manusmriti Rule. ...
knol.google.com/k/palash-biswas/aarakshan-ko-dilli-gherenge.../1 - Cached
Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time: Palash Biswas has ...
23 Jul 2010 ... Which Continues as continues the Manusmriti Apartheid Rule in the Divided bleeding ... Palash Biswas has invited you to join Rediff MyPage ...
indianholocaustmyfatherslifeandtime.blogspot.com/.../palash-biswas-has-invited-you-to-join.html - Cached
Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time: Silence Please! The ...
Palash Biswas http://indianholocaustmyfatherslifeandtime.blogspot.com/ ... Advantage Change Wave Favouring Mamata Matua as Manusmriti Rule is . ...
indianholocaustmyfatherslifeandtime.blogspot.com/.../silence-please-parliament-is-in-session.html - Cached
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Buzz by Palash Biswas
Palash Biswas - Buzz - Public - Muted. Long Live Manusmriti Hegemony! ... and Vote Politics to sustain Manusmriti Rule and the Ruling Brahamin Front. ...
www.google.com/.../palashbiswaskl/.../Long-Live-Manusmriti-Hegemony-God-Save-the-Ruling - Cached
Palash chandra Biswas's Blog at BIGADDA >> Our claim that Mumbai ...
17 Dec 2009 ... Palash Biswas. http … and the central bank is looking to strike … helping ..... and defended Manusmriti rule to sustain Indian agriculture. ...
blogs.bigadda.com/.../our-claim-that-mumbai-terror-strike-is-a-cia-and-mossad-affair-is-proved-as-headly-turns-out-a-cia-agentus-backs-10... - Cached
Palash chandra Biswas's Blog at BIGADDA >> Refugees of DEVELOPMENT ...
16 Dec 2009 ... Palash chandra Biswas. BIGADDA Blogs .... AOUSED to sustain Manusmriti Rule to keep on Enslavement, bondage and Divide within the society. ...
blogs.bigadda.com/.../refugees-of-development-and-de-reservation/ - Cached - Similar
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palashscape: Political ECONOMICS of EXCLUSION! Unilateral ...
Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time- Three Hundred Sixty TWO Palash Biswas Unilateral, Political CENSUS Means EXCLUSION to Sustain Manusmriti Rule, ...
palashscape.blogspot.com/.../political-economics-of-exclusion.html - Cached
Scores NOT Settled as Yet as Prbahash Joshi is NO MORE We Loved ...
6 Nov 2009... of Bengal and Scientific Manusmriti Rule which Joshi Defended. .... Palash biswas द्वारा 16 सितंबर, 2009 9:36 PM पर . ...
palashbiswas.ibibo.com/.../298288~Scores-NOT-Settled-as-Yet-as-Prbahash-Joshi-is-NO-MORE-We-Loved-him-Most-and-We-hated-Hi... - Cached - Similar
Vedanta Related Posts | Facebook
Palash Biswas Raj SUSTAINED as FTSE 100 may come to India; Nifty may go to UK ... Which Continues as continues the Manusmriti Apartheid Rule in the Divided ...
www.facebook.com/pages/Vedanta/106522666042615?v=stream - Cached
Dalit Voice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Columbia University Library entry for Dalit Voice; ^ K. Jamanadas, "Is it possible to destroy Hindutva without harming Hinduism?", Dalit Voice, Vol.25, ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalit_Voice - Cached - Similar
Dalit Voice - The Voice of the Persecuted Nationalities Denied ...
When will our oppressed Dalits, BCs and Tribals, even Muslims and ... Meaning of Hindutva: The BJP is controlled by its hard-core Hindu nazi heart, RSS. ...www.dalitvoice.org/Templates/dec2004/editorial.htm - Cached
ARTICLES - Dalit Voice - The Voice of the Persecuted Nationalities ...
11 Feb 2006 ... The NE people must learn from Dalits and the Dalit Voice will tell them ... While evolving their "Hindutva plank" to make it appealing to ...
www.dalitvoice.org/Templates/march2006/articles.htm - Cached - Similar
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www.outlookindia.com | 'Hindutva Has More Legitimacy Than The ...
So if Hindutva is more legitimate than constitution then why are people dieing? ..... There are plenty of rags like the Dalit Voice where you can ride your ...
www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?217199 - Cached
palashbiswaslive: Congress Plays the Hindutva Card to Counter ...
28 Jul 2010 ... Dalit Voice is a political magazine published in Bangalore, ... Dalit Voice; ^ K. Jamanadas, "Is it possible to destroy Hindutva without ...
palashbiswaslive.blogspot.com/.../congress-plays-hindutva-card-to-counter.html - Cached
'Dalit Voice' Speaks Out By V.T Rajshekar & Yoginder Sikand
14 Feb 2005 ... We in 'Dalit Voice' supported the demand of the Madigas, ... to the mobilization of Dalit caste identity in opposition to Hindutva, ...
www.countercurrents.org/dalit-sikand140205.htm - Cached - Similar
Hindutva Nothing But Brahminic Sanathana Dharma « A Zillion ...
A VOICE OF PROTEST BEFORE 1947 The concept that "the tradition of Indian .... In a Democracy every one has a right of there own religion, if Dalits are ...
escapefromindia.wordpress.com/hindutva-nothing-but-brahminic-sanathana-dharma/ - Cached - Similar
28 Apr 2010 ... 14. dalit voice Says: May 4th, 2010 at 12:55 pm. @mohan please see topic "beware of left lobbyists in the hindutva camp" in this site ...
greathindu.com/2010/04/are-hindus-closer-to-happiness-or-sorrow/ - Cached
Palash chandra Biswas's Blog at BIGADDA >> Zionist OBAMA Escalates ...
17 Apr 2010 ... Zionist OBAMA Escalates Global Hindutva Sidelining India! ... Dalit Voice theory that the Jews and "Jews of India" are cousins — both noted ...
blogs.bigadda.com/.../zionist-obama-escalates-global-hindutva-sidelining-india-president-obama-targets-mars-and-visists-sensex-indiathe-strat... - Cached
An Indian Muslim's Blog: News, Daily Articles, Views on Muslims ...
2 May 2010 ... Investigation and Media's role in Terrorism: Indore, Hindutva ..... Indipepal Politics · Indian Dalit Muslims Voice · Indian Muslims ...
www.anindianmuslim.com/.../investigation-and-medias-role-in.html - Cached
Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Bengali-Tamil Dalits & Chakma Adivasi ...
7 Apr 2009 ... Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Dalit-Buddhist Refugees in India. The Tamil Refugees of Shri Lanka. Where is Solution of These Arya-Brahmin ...sheetalmarkam.wordpress.com/.../arya-brahmin-vengeance-on-bengali-tamil-dalits-chakma-adivasi-indigenous-refugees/ - Cached - Similar
Arya-Brahmin Vengeance « Sheetalmarkam's Blog
A cult is an elitist, totalitarian society. It has a self-appointed, charismatic, messianic, dogmatic leader, who demands total devotion. ...
sheetalmarkam.wordpress.com/category/arya-brahmin-vengeance/ - Cached
www.outlookindia.com | Vengeance Flows As Hell Freezes Over
Nor can the reaction be taken as a resurrection of anti-Brahminism by the ... No man's above law, not even Karunanidhi (Vengeance Flows as Hell Freezes Over ...
www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?212619 - Cached - Similar
Disappearance of Buddhism from India: The Brahmin Responsibility ...
21 Oct 2009... into vengeance towards the contemporary Buddhist followers. ... Overall, it played the role of bolstering the Brahminical hegemony. ...
mingkok.buddhistdoor.com/en/news/d/2616 - Cached
Nandigram Genocide and Gestapo
14 Mar 2007 ... CPIM is now the great Indian Brahminical zionist Nazi GESTAPO which was ..... READY to Take Over Bengal with Thirsty Brahminical Vengeance! ...
o3.indiatimes.com/singurkatha/archive/2007/.../3805231.aspx - Cached - Similar
I Need A Prostitute Tonight In Hyderabad | Home Interior Design
... Vote Bank And The MAA Kali Aboriginal Goddess Made Aryan And Invoked To Kill The Asuras READY To Take Over Bengal With Thirsty Brahminical Vengeance ...
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Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time: Marichjhanpi ...
http://sheetalmarkam.wordpress.com/category/arya-brahmin-vengeance/ ... Arya-Brahmin Vengeance on Dalit-Buddhist Refugees in India . .... inherited the ...
indianholocaustmyfatherslifeandtime.blogspot.com/.../marichjhanpi-remembered-after-three.html - Cached
Political ideas in modern India: thematic explorations - Google Books Result
Vrajendra Raj Mehta, Thomas Pantham, Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture - 2006 - Political Science - 481 pages
With regard to the Brahminical texts, this trend of thought attempts to subvert ... In fact, often tradition wrecked its vengeance by propping up distorted ...
The Buddha and His Teachings - Chapter 43
The Buddha did not retaliate, but politely gave back what the brahmin gave Him. Retaliate not, the Buddha exhorts. Vengeance will be met with vengeance. ...
www.buddhism.org/Sutras/BuddhaTeachings/page_43.html - Cached
Deathclaw Sanctuary - The Vault, the Fallout wiki - Fallout: New ...
A unique form of the Gatling laser, called Vengeance in the far southeast ... By the bobblehead, the rear half of a brahmin can be seen sticking out of the ...
fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Deathclaw_Sanctuary - Cached - Similar
Kashmir issue: Both factions of Hurriyat reject Centre's talks offer
A day after the Centre tried to reach out to the separatists and asked them to participate in a dialogue, both factions of the Hurriyat Conference have rejected its talks offer.
Hardline Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, who recently came out against violence in Kashmir, said "I strongly reject the talks offer... We will not enter into a dialogue with New Delhi, quiet or open, unless India recognises Kashmir as dispute and agrees to complete withdrawal of army from the state," the separatist leader told reporters in New Delhi today.
However, he said, "If this is done, then a dialogue could be held to discuss the technicalities of implementing UN resolutions".
Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, who heads the Hurriyat's moderate faction, said there "is no scope for talks" in the present situation.
"Where is the scope for engagement, when a reign of terror has been let loose by them against the people for demanding their basic right?," the Mirwaiz told PTI.
Referring to the statement of home minister P Chidambaram in Parliament, Geelani said, "It (talks offer) is a conspiracy to discredit me. Chidambaram should bear in mind that my only objective behind appealing our angry youth protesting against the unabated killings on streets, was to prevent further loss of life."
At the same time, Geelani renewed his appeal to the youths not to indulge in violence and arson in the Valley, saying such actions were damaging "our cause" and giving an opportunity to others to project the "movement" in bad light in international fora.
The Mirwaiz said that the Hurriyat had proposed to the Centre certain necessary steps to take the process of engagement forward.
He said the steps were "demilitarisation and lifting the overwhelming security apparatus form Kashmir, revoking the various special repressive laws including the AFSPA and Public Safety Act and release of all political prisoners.
"But unfortunately no heed was paid, exhibiting Government's lack of sincerity and will and in turn discrediting the whole process of engagement," he alleged.
Home minister Chidambaram had yesterday asked the separatists to participate in a dialogue which the Centre intends to resume.
"I will resume the political process... I have impressed upon all interlocutors that I am willing to resume the quiet dialogue. We have to find courage that allows to hold dialogue. We have to get on," the minister had said in theRajya Sabha and "sincerely hoped" that the separatist leaders, including Geelani, would come forward for talks.
We have seen the Generations of refugees, the Direct Victim of Partition Holocaust which had been Represented by my father and he and his relatives , friends needed Passport to visit way back home in the Lost Village. As the Grim Situation in Kashmir is so neglected, KALMADI BABA and CHALEES CHOR are Free to defy the Parliament and Constitution, Democratic system as a whole, as Resurgence of Ram Mandir Movement and Volatile Ethnonationalism represented by the Shiv Sena version of Hindutva, as the Entire Himalayas remain under AFPSA and the Brahamin Finance Minister PRANAB and Gang ready to Sell OFF everything Indian, as IPL Sexy Scam and Defence Deal surpass the Hockey Disaster, as Reality and Realty take over the Nation, as Extra Constitutional Elements like Montek, Nilekani, Rangrajan, Maitra, Basu and so on represent India Incs and LPG Mafia defending MNC US Corporate and War Economy interests, as Chidambaram plays the dual role of Ramchandra and Indra to destroy Aboriginal Indigenous Humanscape, as Glamourous ICONS like Shakira , Maddona and now Julia Roberts represents the Expansion of Manusmriti Rule under Global Zionist Regime, I am afraid that I would be equally UNLUCKY perhaps to be deprived of the opportunity to breathe last at HOME as the Aboriginal Indigenous Masses have been worldwide for thousands and thousands years!
After eight days of continuous clashes between protestors and security forces,Kashmir today remained relatively peaceful.An uneasy calm resonated through the deserted streets of Kashmir as curfew continued to remain enforced for the ninth day today.The paramilitary's Rapid Action Force (RAF) personnel,who were deployed on Friday, stayed vigil to keep protesters at bay.However,a 22-year-old youth Rameez Rishi who was injured in firing on Friday succumbed to injuries today.With Rishi's death,the number of civilians killed in security forces firing during violent protests here since July 30 has gone up to 31.
Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts has converted to Hinduism! Maneka, Rambha, Urvashi, Beetles, Hipies and Now the Pretty Woman!Hindutva and the Vedic Heaven Springs So many Brand Ambassadors for Global Brhamainical System!Menawhile, Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts has converted to Hinduism.Resurgence of Global Hindutva is quite WAKA WAKA these Days! Vedic Hymns have found Golbal Super Model, pop star and Hollywood Icons` Favour since long! We may see how the Places sacred in the Himalayas specilly in Tibet and Sikkim are Overcrowded with white sexy Skin! white Overwhelms Hindtuva foreign Rooted worldwide and the Desi Scene is No Exception whenever you may glance at the Ganga Ghat anywhere or Public Rituala and performances of Faith as well as Political economy! white Excludes the Black as black is Untouchable!
Al-Qaeda's new 'global operations head' plotting attacks against US, West!
Twist in the Hatred Campign to Legitimate war against Terror!
Rather the Coincidence is More Amusing as Buffet and Gates to urge Indian rich to donate wealth!
VHP's awareness campaign on Ram Mandir from Aug
Hindustan Times - Jul 23, 2010PTI The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has decided to organise public awareness campaign on constructing Ram Mandir all over the country from August 16 to ...
Sonia Defaming Hindus in Name of Terror: Singhal Outlook
all 12 news articles »
Togadia announces nation-wide campaign for Ram Mandir
Times of India - Jul 24, 2010"People will recite the Hanuman chalisa to show their faith in the Ram temple movement," Togadia added. Togadia said building the Ram temple was an issue of ...
Ram Temple campaign from August 16: Togadia Indian Express
Shahi's barefoot walk to boost temple talk Times of India
all 6 news articles »
Let's speak Konkani
Economic Times - Aug 4, 2010Even rehearsals and meetings take place at the Ram Mandir premises or at houses of the players. Mr Kamat now hopes the Sangam should be able to put together ...
Ram Vangaman Path Shodh Samiti starts second leg of its journey
Central Chronicle - 22 hours agoThe committee members will also pay a visit to Ramghat Macha in Hoshangabad, Ram Mandir Pasighat (near Umardha) and Ramghat Pipariya (near Magarmuha). ...
Why Bush would have attacked Iraq, WMD or no WMD
Daily News & Analysis - Vivek Kaul - 19 hours agoOn a removed plane, is the Ram Mandir built over the Babri Masjid site the same temple as the original? Is the Ganga or Yamuna today the same sacred Ganga ...
Amicable settlment for Ayodhya
Times of India - Manjari Mishra - Jul 28, 2010VHP is going to follow the seers and all saints are clear - the Ram Mandir must be made at the same spot, there can be no mosque within the "shastriya ...
British children to know Asian cultures
Sify - Jul 28, 2010... from across the city went around the various Indian banks, restaurants, sari shops, Asian supermarkets and sweet-marts and even the Shree Ram Mandir. ...
Indian Express
Kalyan hits out at BJP and SP, tries to woo Hindus, backwards
Indian Express - Jul 20, 2010... chief minister and chief of Jan Kranti Party, Kalyan Singh, said the BJP is not focusing on the issue of Ram Mandir, as it wants to please the Muslims. ...
Akshay seeks divine blessings in Nagpur
Oneindia - Jul 22, 2010With one of the songs of Khatta Meetha having been shot at the well known Ram Mandir in Satara, coupled with Akshay's visit to Nagpur's holy places, ...
Khatta Meetha Preview! India-Forums.com
all 267 news articles »
Babri Masjid title suit: Who will win the case?
TwoCircles.net - Manzar Bilal - Aug 1, 2010But shortly after Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) launched nationwide campaign to put the pressure for clearing the way for construction of Ram Mandir, ...
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Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts has converted to Hinduism. She is a confirmed Hindu who now goes to the temple in LA along with her cameraman husband Daniel Moder and their children to "chant, pray and celebrate on a regular basis".Hindus have extended a warm welcome to Oscar winner Hollywood star Julia Roberts (Pretty Woman) into the Hindu fold.
Philanthropist billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffet will approach rich people in India and China to urge them to donate at least half their wealth. The move is part of Gates-Buffet initiative, launched in June, that originally aimed at asking American billionaires to pledge that their wealth would be donated either during their lifetime or upon death.
The two now plan to take the idea beyond the US borders. "Mr Buffett said he and Mr Gates in coming months will meet with wealthy individuals in China and India to talk about the pledge in the hopes of adding more names from outside the US," The Wall Street Journal said.
On Wednesday, 34 people joined six billionaires, including Gates and Buffet, who have taken the pledge. They included New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Director George Lucas, David Rockefeller, and media mogul Ted Turner.
US has 403 billionaires the most in the world, and New York tops the list within the country. The number two spot is taken by to China, which is followed by Russia.
This year, the Forbes list of the richest people features two Indians in the top ten. Industrialist Mukesh Ambani is at the fourth spot with a networth of USD 29 billion, followed by steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal who has a networth of USD 28.7 billion.
Although China has larger number of billionaires, ten of Asias top 25 rich are from Indian, while China has one. These include Ambani and Mittal in the top two positions, along with Azim Premji (USD 17 billion), Anil Ambani (USD 13.7 billion), Shashi and Ravi Ruia (USD 13 billion), Savitri Jindal (USD 12.2 billion), Kushal Pal Singh (USD 9 billion), Kumar Birla (USD 7.9 billion), Sunil Mittal (USD 7.8 billion) and Anil Agarwal (USD 6.4 billion dollars).
Gates with a networth of USD 53 billion dollars is the second richest man in the world after Mexican telecom czar, Carlos Slim Helu who has a net worth of USD 53.5 billion. Buffet comes in third with 47 billion dollars and has pledged to donate 99 percent of his wealth.
"In 2006, I made a commitment to gradually give all of my Berkshire Hathaway stock to philanthropic foundations. I couldn''t be happier with that decision," he wrote in a pledge letter.
"Now, Bill and Melinda Gates and I are asking hundreds of rich Americans to pledge at least 50 per cent of their wealth to charity." Bill and Melinda Gates have given more than $28 billion to their foundation since it was founded in 1994 that focuses on health and education.
"We have committed the vast majority of our assets to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help stop preventable deaths such as these, and to tear down other barriers to health and education that prevent people from making the very most of their lives," Gates wrote in his pledge.
The September issue of women's fashion magazine Elle, on which Roberts, 42, is the cover girl, reportedly says: The entire Roberts-Moder family goes to temple together to "chant and pray and celebrate. I'm definitely a practicing Hindu. Roberts grew up with a Catholic mother and Baptist father.
The son of a Saudi Arabian imam, Adnan Shukrijumah, al-Qaeda's new head of "global operational planning", is using his unprecedented knowledge of American society to plot attacks against the United States and other Western countries, according to the FBI.
The Hollywood actress, who is deeply spiritual, secretly converted when she was in India last September to shoot for her film Eat, Pray and Love. Papparazzi following Roberts around here had photographed the actress with her spiritual guru Swami Shri Dharam at the Ashram Hari Mandir in Pataudi when she was seen wearing a garland and red teeka on her forehead. However, on that occasion, Roberts had angered the Hindus of Pataudi on the eve of Navratri when they were barred from visiting the Ashram Hari Mandir for prayers because she was shooting there with 350 guards, bullet-proof cars and a helicopter. Now the actress, who was born to a Baptist and Catholic couple in the Bible Belt of the US, is being welcomed warmly into the fold by Hindus in America. Roberts, who has just come out in the open about her new found faith, said, "I'm definitely a practising Hindu. I've been so spoiled with my friends and family in this life. Next time (since Hinduism believes in rebirth) I want to be just something quiet and supporting after the stresses of my celebrity lifestyle." In Eat, Pray and Love, produced by Brad Pitt, which is based on the best-selling book by Elizabeth Gilbert, Julia plays a recentlydivorced woman travelling the world trying to find herself. She visits Italy for food, India for spirituality and Bali, where she finds love. Roberts stayed at the Pataudi Palace in Gurgaon along with her three children and enjoyed everything Indian, especially the chicken curry, paneer, rice and dal makhani.
This Iconoic Gloabl Hindutva is No better than our own Mallika Sherawat !Mallika Sherawat continues to make news for her global 'exposure'. What we mean here is that she is exposing for a Hollywood film – Hisssss where she plays a snake woman. In the latest picture released from the working stills of the film, Mallika Sherawat is wearing nothing on her upper half and is hiding her assets behind the long tresses of her hair. So while posing topless, she very smartly also covers her assets to avoid any censor trouble. Or priyanka Chopra!Mallika Sherawat continues to make news for her global 'exposure'. What we mean here is that she is exposing for a Hollywood film – Hisssss where she plays a snake woman. In the latest picture released from the working stills of the film, Mallika Sherawat is wearing nothing on her upper half and is hiding her assets behind the long tresses of her hair. So while posing topless, she very smartly also covers her assets to avoid any censor trouble. At 49, Hollywood actress Julianne Moore has gone completely nude for a series of sizzling shots for a new advertising campaign for fashion house Bvlgari. Letting her hair loose, the actress is seen reclining on a chaise lounge, wearing nothing but a strategically placed handbag, jewels and a couple of adorable lion cubs.
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Ram Janmabhoomi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1984, a movement is started for the creation of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple by ... down by security forces (for more information see Ram Mandir Attack). ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Janmabhoomi - Cached - Similar
Kalyan re-sings to refuel Ram Mandir movement
16 Nov 2009 ... Former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and one among the front leaders of Ram Mandir movements Kalyan Singh on November 15 indicated to back ...
www.newstrackindia.com/newsdetails/133439 - Cached
VHP meet to restart Ram Mandir movement | TwoCircles.net
8 May 2010 ... I'm sure the Ram Mandir movement LOST it's LUSTRE, when people realized it is wrong to DISPLEASE one COMMUNITY, and PLEASE others - under ...
www.twocircles.net/.../vhp_meet_restart_ram_mandir_movement.html - Cached
VHP to relaunch 'Ayodhya Ram Mandir' Movement .:. newkerala.com ...
VHP to relaunch 'Ayodhya Ram Mandir' Movement - Thiruvananthapuram, May 14 : Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) has decided to relaunch the 'Ayodhya Ram Mandir' ...
www.newkerala.com/news/fullnews-108136.html - Cached
VHP meet to restart Ram Mandir movement
8 May 2010 ... New DelhiLucknow: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has convened a meeting of its central managing committee on July 12 in Ayodhya to restart ...
sify.com/.../vhp-meet-to-restart-ram-mandir-movement-news-national-kfix1Wcedhg.html - Cached
VHP meet to restart Ram Mandir movement
1 post - 1 author - Last post: 8 May
New Delhi/Lucknow, May 8 (IANS) The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has convened a meeting of its central managing committee July 12 in Ayodhya ...
www.thaindian.com/.../vhp-meet-to-restart-ram-mandir-movement_100360771.html - United States - Cached
DNA: Mumbai - Vishwa Hindu Parishad to relaunch Ram Mandir stir
16 Jun 2010 ... Vishwa Hindu Parishad to relaunch Ram Mandir stir ... The VHP had launched the Ram Janmabhoomi movement in the mid 1980s. ...
www.dnaindia.com/.../report_vishwa-hindu-parishad-to-relaunch-ram-mandir-stir_1396957 - Cached
VHP to relaunch 'Ayodhya Ram Mandir' Movement. - Free Online Library
Free Online Library: VHP to relaunch 'Ayodhya Ram Mandir' Movement. by "United News of India (UNI) (New Delhi, India)"; News, opinion and commentary General ...
www.thefreelibrary.com/VHP+to+relaunch+'Ayodhya+Ram+Mandir'+Movement.-a0226494604 - Cached
VHP trying to relaunch campaign for Ram Mandir | ummid.com
17 Jun 2010 ... VHP trying to relaunch campaign for Ram Mandir. ... The VHP had launched the Ram Janmabhoomi movement in the mid 1980s. ...
www.ummid.com/news/2010/.../vhp_on_ram_mandir_drama.htm - Cached
VHP to relaunch 'Ayodhya Ram Mandir' Movement - Mathrubhumi English
15 May 2010 ... Mathrubhumi English:Kerala Latest News- VHP to relaunch 'Ayodhya Ram Mandir' Movement-Thiruvananthapuram : Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) has ...
www.mathrubhumi.com/english/news.php?id=91638 - Cached
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2002 Gujarat violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 2002 Gujarat violence describes the Babri Mosque demolition and subsequent ... the massacres of Muslims as a genocide in which the state was complicit, ...
Godhra train burning - Post Godhra violence - Toll - Security failure
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Gujarat_violence - Cached - Similar
The Truth about Gujarat Genocide 2002 « Naxal Resistance
26 Oct 2007 ... The Truth about Gujarat Genocide 2002. Posted by Indian Vanguard on October 26, 2007. First-hand accounts from the men who plotted and ...
naxalresistance.wordpress.com/.../the-truth-about-gujarat-genocide-2002/ - Cached - Similar
The Inferno of Hate, Horror and Death in Gujarat, India: The ...
17 Mar 2005 ... From 27 Feb 2002 on. Killing Thy Neighbour - Hindus and Muslims go .... Gujarat Genocide Trials: Appeal for the Protection of Witnesses An ...
Show map of Centre for Social Studies, Surat
www.sacw.net/Gujarat2002/index.html - Cached - Similar
Narendra Modi: Architect of Gujarat Genocide 2002
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Modi: Architect of Gujarat Genocide. Pre-planned attacks on Muslims. March 07, 2002. Indian Express (India). Mobs used voters lists to target victims ...
www.coalitionagainstgenocide.org/gujarat2002/news.preplanned.attacks.pdf - Similar
Narendra Modi: Architect of Gujarat Genocide 2002
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28 Feb 2002 ... Modi: Architect of Gujarat Genocide. Denial of Justice to Victims / Intimidation. August 28, 2002. Yahoo(Reuters). Thomas Kutty Abraham. ...
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World Prout Assembly: The Gujarat Genocide
The Gujarat Genocide. gujarat-2.jpg. On Feb. 27th 2002, a train in Gujarat, India was attacked. In the name of that attack (though it is clear the attackers ...
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CC current issue
March-April 2002. Year 8 No.76. Content ... who have been killed in the genocide in Gujarat, which began on February 28, 2002. ... UN convention on genocide ...
www.sabrang.com/cc/archive/2002/marapril/ - Cached
luthfispace: Gujarat genocide 2002, Narendra Modi and some phone ...
25 Apr 2010 ... Gujarat genocide 2002, Narendra Modi and some phone calls! In what is possibly the first documentary evidence placed before the Supreme ...
Special Investigation Team (SIT) – Hope Or Despair Of 2002 Gujarat ...
11 Jun 2009 ... Special Investigation Team (SIT) – Hope Or Despair Of 2002 Gujarat Genocide Victims ? By R.B.Sreekumar. 11 June, 2009. Countercurrents.org ...
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India Flashback 2002: The Gujarat Massacre Photos and Story « Pak ...
13 Dec 2008 ... Flashback Photos 2002: Gujarat Massacre of Indian Muslims Orchestrated by High Ranking Officials who are members of the RSS Terrorist Group ...
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mages for operation blue star 1984
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Operation Blue Star - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Blue Star (Punjabi: ਬਲੂ ਸਟਾਰ, Hindi: ब्ल्यू स्टार (blyū sṭār)) 3– 6 June 1984 was an Indian military operation ordered by Indira ...
The Operation - Casualties - Aftermath - Criticisms
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1984 Attack on Golden Temple
In 1984 he moved to Akal Takht. Indira Gandhi and government of India ... When Mrs. Gandhi was told that Operation Blue Star had started,she must have ...
www.sikh-history.com/sikhhist/events/attack841.html - Cached - Similar
SikhLionz.com: Operation Bluestar
www.sikhlionz.com/operationbluestar.htm - Cached - Similar
Videos for operation blue star 1984
* 1984 BBC Operation Bluestar documentary (Part 1)
10 min - 1 Apr 2009
Uploaded by SaintSoldiersNet
* The Truth 1984 Operation Blue Star and ...
9 min - 27 Dec 2009
Uploaded by dd1857
25 Years since 1984
1984, the year India lost its innocence. A year that saw the Army storm a Sikh shrine, ... 25 years on, we relive the year starting with Operation Bluestar. ...
specials.indiatoday.com/common/bluestar/index.shtml - Cached - Similar
YouTube - operation bluestar- 1984 - sikh holocaust - wake up sikho
20 Sep 2008 ... sikh-taram-taariyo- please watch this video & decide do we want another operation like this again to happen. NO!!! then we want a seperate ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=2maloi_1wxs - Cached - Similar
OPERATION BLUESTAR | Gateway to Sikhism
Operation Bluestar-5th June 1984 An Indian Army View point ... Operation Bluestar, which began in the wee hours of June 6, 1984, was like a dagger through ...
www.allaboutsikhs.com/operation-bluestar/operation-bluestar.html - Similar
1 Jun 2007 ... If you are a new reader to our blog, or if you haven't yet read our stories from those dark days of 1984, we invite you to go to Our Stories ...
roadtokhalistan.blogspot.com/.../we-remember-1984-operation-blue-star.html - Cached - Similar
Operation Bluestar, 20 Years On
3 Jun 2004 ... But the operation, which began in the wee hours of June 6, 1984, ... Indira Gandhi paid the ultimate price for ordering Operation Bluestar. ...
www.rediff.com › News › Specials - Cached - Similar
Operation Blue Star 1984 Golden Temple Attack Sikhs
In early June 1984 the Indian Army invaded one of the most historic of all Sikh Gurdwaras, the Darbar Sahib complex at Amritsar Punjab to flush out Sant ...
www.sikhmuseum.com/bluestar/index.html - Cached - Similar
Operation Blue Star 1984 - Golden Temple Amritsar | desihotmasala.com
Crackdown in Punjab - Operation Bluestar, India Today, 30 June 1984 2. Night Of Blood - Operation Bluestar, India Today, 15 August 1984 ...
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mages for operation blue star 1984
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Operation Blue Star - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Blue Star (Punjabi: ਬਲੂ ਸਟਾਰ, Hindi: ब्ल्यू स्टार (blyū sṭār)) 3– 6 June 1984 was an Indian military operation ordered by Indira ...
The Operation - Casualties - Aftermath - Criticisms
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Blue_Star - Cached - Similar
1984 Attack on Golden Temple
In 1984 he moved to Akal Takht. Indira Gandhi and government of India ... When Mrs. Gandhi was told that Operation Blue Star had started,she must have ...
www.sikh-history.com/sikhhist/events/attack841.html - Cached - Similar
SikhLionz.com: Operation Bluestar
www.sikhlionz.com/operationbluestar.htm - Cached - Similar
Videos for operation blue star 1984
* 1984 BBC Operation Bluestar documentary (Part 1)
10 min - 1 Apr 2009
Uploaded by SaintSoldiersNet
* The Truth 1984 Operation Blue Star and ...
9 min - 27 Dec 2009
Uploaded by dd1857
25 Years since 1984
1984, the year India lost its innocence. A year that saw the Army storm a Sikh shrine, ... 25 years on, we relive the year starting with Operation Bluestar. ...
specials.indiatoday.com/common/bluestar/index.shtml - Cached - Similar
YouTube - operation bluestar- 1984 - sikh holocaust - wake up sikho
20 Sep 2008 ... sikh-taram-taariyo- please watch this video & decide do we want another operation like this again to happen. NO!!! then we want a seperate ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=2maloi_1wxs - Cached - Similar
OPERATION BLUESTAR | Gateway to Sikhism
Operation Bluestar-5th June 1984 An Indian Army View point ... Operation Bluestar, which began in the wee hours of June 6, 1984, was like a dagger through ...
www.allaboutsikhs.com/operation-bluestar/operation-bluestar.html - Similar
1 Jun 2007 ... If you are a new reader to our blog, or if you haven't yet read our stories from those dark days of 1984, we invite you to go to Our Stories ...
roadtokhalistan.blogspot.com/.../we-remember-1984-operation-blue-star.html - Cached - Similar
Operation Bluestar, 20 Years On
3 Jun 2004 ... But the operation, which began in the wee hours of June 6, 1984, ... Indira Gandhi paid the ultimate price for ordering Operation Bluestar. ...
www.rediff.com › News › Specials - Cached - Similar
Operation Blue Star 1984 Golden Temple Attack Sikhs
In early June 1984 the Indian Army invaded one of the most historic of all Sikh Gurdwaras, the Darbar Sahib complex at Amritsar Punjab to flush out Sant ...
www.sikhmuseum.com/bluestar/index.html - Cached - Similar
Operation Blue Star 1984 - Golden Temple Amritsar | desihotmasala.com
Crackdown in Punjab - Operation Bluestar, India Today, 30 June 1984 2. Night Of Blood - Operation Bluestar, India Today, 15 August 1984 ...
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Orissa MLAs worried over safety of Konark Temple
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has assured the Orissa government that the Sun temple at Konark was "in good state of preservation" as members of Orissa Legislative Assembly today expressed concern over the safety of the monument. "The Prime Minister in a letter to Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has said the Sun temple is in good state of preservation," Tourism and Culture minister Debi Prasad Mishra told the House, during discussion over a calling attention motion on the issue of safety of the 13th century structure.Stating that his department was in constant touch with the Centre as well as the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) which looked after conservation of the monument since 1915, the minister said Orissa government in the meantime prepared a detailed plan for drainage of rain water from temple premises. Mishra was replying to NCP Legislature Party leader Amar Satpathy''s statement that water logging around the temple could pose danger to the structure.
"Whenever there is rain, water logging takes place at the Sun Temple," Satpathy pointed out. Many BJD members also supported him expressing concern over conservation of the world heritage.
"How can the state government remain silent when it is observed that ASI is not taking proper care of the monument," BJD''s Samir Ranjan Das asked. He also enquired about proposed global tender for conservation of the temple by the ASI. Not satisfied with the work undertaken by the ASI, local MLA Rabindra Mallick asked the Speaker to constitute a house committee to look after conservation of a rare monument like the Sun temple.
Quoting a report of the superintending archaeologist, Bhubaneswar circle, Mishra admitted that inundation takes place in the temple premises as water in the surrounding area seeps into the compound. "Steps were being taken every year to pump out rain water from the soak pit located at the western side of the temple.
This apart, water was also being soaked by sand in the premises resulting in quick draining," the minister said. Similarly steps were also being taken to prevent entry of outside water to the temple premises.
On conservation proposal by Indian Oil Foundation, the minister said he was in touch with Union minister Murali Deora to expedite Rs 32 crore project for conservation of Konark Temple.
Conflict between monetary & fiscal policies exaggerated: PMEAC
The PM''s economic think-tank today said it is an exaggeration to talk of any conflict between monetary and fiscal policies, a comment that blunts RBI Governor D Subbarao''s comment that central bank''s policies are increasingly getting influenced by fiscal compulsions. Talking to reporters on the sidelines of a lecture at the University of Hyderabad, PM''s Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) chairman C Rangarajan also said there is no question of a super regulator to supervise the financial system."At a time like this when inflation is high, the monetary policy has an important role to play. I think the conflict between fiscal policy and monetary policy are exaggerated.
All that it means is there is a need for coordination between the two," he said. "I think the monetary policy has its own role to play.
There has to be some coordination between monetary and fiscal policies," Rangarajan later told newsmen. His comment comes barely two days after Subbarao had said its ability to conduct monetary policy freely has again come under threat due to the influence of the government''s fiscal policies.
"Like in most countries, in India too, fiscal stimulus was part of the crisis response and monetary policy had to acquiesce in elevated government borrowing. "Going forward, the challenge for the government is to continue the fiscal consolidation and for the Reserve Bank to regain the space to conduct monetary policy free of fiscal compulsions," Subbarao had said in the same city on Thursday.
Subbarao said the world over, central banks'' monetary space has come under the dominance of fiscal policies of the governments and our country followed the global trend. However, Rangarajan today said the talk of conflict between monetary and fiscal policies are exaggerated.
The PMEAC chairman also said there cannot be any super regulator to supervise the financial system. "There is no question of a super regulator.
The country has a system of multiple regulators and there is no unified single authority supervising the financial system," he said. The idea of a super-regulator came to the fore after the budget for this fiscal proposed to set up a Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC).
Later, the issue again came into the limelight when an Ordinance, issued to sort out the disputes between market regulator Sebi and insurance watchdog Irda on controlling Ulips, provided for setting up a joint mechanism to resolve any future jurisdictional issues between the two regulators on hybrid financial products. However, the RBI had expressed reservations that the Ordinance may curtail the autonomy of regulators, since currently disputes are handled by a high-level coordination committee headed by the RBI Governor, whereas the proposed authority is to be chaired by the Finance Minister.
While tabling the Bill, which was later passed by the Lok Sabh to replace the Ulip Ordinance, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee allayed fears of the RBI that the apex bank''s autonomy would be encroached through the joint mechanism.
Since in Hindu cosmology, souls can be reincarnated in other bodies, where does she see herself in the next life? "Golly, I've been so spoiled with my friends and family in this life," she says. "Next time I want to be just something quiet and supporting."
Noted Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA), heartily welcomed Roberts into Hinduism. She would appreciate rich, diverse and long tradition of Hindu philosophy, and its interpretation of the nature of reality, he added.
Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, further said that if Roberts needed any help in deeper Hinduism exploration, he or other Hindu scholars would be glad to assist.
Rajan Zed suggested Roberts to realise the Self. Ancient Hindu scripture Katha Upanishad points out that when wise realise the Self, they go beyond sorrow. Self is supreme and those who meditate on Self are freed from the cycle of birth and death. When one realises Self, there is nothing else to be known.
According to reports, Roberts has been interested in yoga for quite some time. She was in Haryana (India) in September last to shoot Eat, Pray, Love in an ashram.
In January 2009, she sported a "bindi" (vermillion mark on forehead) during her trip to India when she also visited Taj Mahal with husband Danny Moder. She has a production company called "Red Om Films", and "Om" in Hinduism is the mystical syllable containing the universe.
Shukrijumah came to the US with his parents as a young child and lived in New York and Florida. He assumed his new role in the terror group after two colleagues on an "executive operations council" were killed by suspected US drone attacks, the FBI said.
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Investigators believe that Shukrijumah, 35, is "extremely dangerous" in part because of the experience he can draw on having lived in the US for 15 years, The Telegraph reports.
Shukrijumah has taken over a position once held by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the September 11 World Trade Center attacks, who was captured in 2003.
His role puts him in regular contact with al-Qaeda's senior leadership, including Osama bin Laden, according to an FBI agent, the paper says.
"He's making operational decisions the best way to put it. He's looking at attacking the US and other Western countries," said Brian LeBlanc, a Miami-based counter-terrorism agent.
"He knows how the system works. He knows how to get a driver's licence, he knows how to get a passport. He out there plotting the attacks and recruiting people," he added.
Shukrijumah is also suspected of playing a role in plots against the London Underground and in Norway that never came to fruition.
The suspect's mother, Zurah Adbu Ahmed, who still lives in south Florida, said the authorities were using her son as a scapegoat. She said she had not spoken to her son since the September 11 attacks, The Telegraph reports.
The US authorities believe he left the country in the late 1990s, visiting Trinidad and London on his way to al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan where he started with lowly camp duties.
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Government grapples with Commonwealth Games rows
Sat, Aug 7 08:31 AM
From leaking venue roofs to inflated orders of taxis and mobile toilets, rows over New Delhi's Commonwealth Games have prompted Indian soul-searching and piled pressure on the embattled ruling Congress party.
Less than two months away, the event intended to showcase India's rising global clout in the footsteps of the Beijing Olympics has jumped more than 17.5 times over its first budget estimate and raised concerns some venues will not be ready.
(For a slideshow: Commonwealth circus, click http://in.reuters.com/news/pictures/slideshow?articleId=INRTR2H349)
(For more Commonwealth stories, click http://in.reuters.com/subjects/commonwealth-games-2010)
The main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party have seized on corruption allegations to pan the ruling Congress Party, already grappling with protests over price hikes and the prospect of a separatist uprising in Kashmir.
And the problems with the venues have underscored India's infrastructure woes, long seen as a drag on growth in Asia's third-largest economy which hopes to match China's double digit rates.
Indian newspapers and talkshows are now debating what the row says about India's place in the world and whether the Games were worth hosting in the first place as the event could prove a national embarrassment.
"What it's brought out is the sheer inefficiency of the Indian state," said political analyst Swapan Dasgupta.
In the latest blow to the world's third-largest sporting event, three organising officials were suspended on Thursday in connection with financial irregularities in the launch of the ceremonial baton Games relay in London last year.
It followed the government's anti-corruption watchdog identifying 16 projects with suspect financing.
Organisers insist the Games will be ready to receive the two million tourists and 10,000 athletes and officials expected.
But much of the capital resembles a building site. Piles of rubble and digging machines have squeezed even tighter the usual snarl of cars, rickshaws and bikes, upsetting residents.
Since its inauguration in July, monsoon rains seeped through the roof and walls of the Games' swimming pool complex, while a loose grill tripped and injured a swimmer at a recent test event.
"It's not an ideal situation but manageable. We are working overtime," said Randhir Singh, the Organising Committee vice chairman.
Congress has said India will pull through in the style of a raucous wedding where everything comes together at the end.
"There's an attempt to brazen it out," said political analyst Paranjoy Guha Thakurta. "There will be mad rush to complete this project just as the deadline is approaching, and then you appeal to people's patriotic instincts."
The Indian economy is expected to grow 8.5 percent this fiscal year. But inflation has soared to 10.55 percent in June and sparked street protests and rowdy scenes in parliament.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has already been on the defensive about the Indian Premier League (IPL). A row over financing in the world's richest cricket tournament, a magnet for business tycoons, forced a junior minister to resign.
"In the IPL, the sleaze showed up the frailties of corporate India which tried to run the event like a private members' club," wrote Rajdeep Sardesai, the Editor-in-Chief of the IBN 18 Network, in the Hindustan Times on Friday.
"In the Games, it's the soft underbelly of the State which is being exposed."
(Additional reporting by Amlan Chakraborty; editing by Alistair Scrutton and Miral Fahmy)
(For more news on Reuters India, click http://in.reuters.com)
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Zardari 'hurt' by Cameron's anti-Pak 'terror export' tirade
Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has said that British Prime Minister David Cameron's accusation of Islamabad promoting terrorism has 'hurt' him personally, as his wife, Benazir Bhutto, had succumbed to extremism as well.
In an interview with The Times, Zardari said Cameron's jibe against Pakistan questioned his own credentials.
"Everybody is sensitive, as we have lost so many people, including my late wife. So to have your credentials questioned does hurt sometimes. No matter how brave you are, it hurts," Zardari said.
The comments came just hours after Zardari met Cameron and supposedly patched up the row which emanated following the British Prime Minister's remarks against Pakistan during his India trip.
Zardari described his meeting with Cameron at the Chequers, the British Prime Minister's residence in north London, as "very good, very nice".
"Politicians can always come together and find a light in all darknesses," Zardari said.
During the meeting Cameron promised Pakistan 35 million dollars in emergency help as the country struggles with devastating floods. (ANI)
Nelson Mandela may have fathered illegitimate child
Former South African president Nelson Mandela may have fathered an illegitimate daughter following an affair in 1945, his foundation has said.
Mpho Pule's claim matched the documentary record of Mandela's life, Verne Harris, a spokesman for the Nelson Mandela Foundation, said. But, Harris stressed that only a DNA test would provide absolute confirmation.
'This is the point at which we hand the matter over to the family,' the Daily Telegraph quoted him as saying Friday.
Pule, who died last year, is said to have found out who her father was from her grandmother in 1998.
Now her children are continuing her fight to be recognised as the seventh child fathered by the former apartheid-era freedom fighter, the daily said.
While the allegation that the former South African president, 92, was unfaithful while married is not new, no claim of paternity is ever known to have been confirmed.
According to Pule's grandmother, Mandela had a brief affair with her daughter Seipati Jane Monakali in Cape Town in 1945 by which time he had been married to his first wife, Evelyn, for a year and already had a son.
Monakali died in 1992 without revealing her secret.
Pule is reported to have repeatedly contacted the foundation in the hope of meeting her father.
Her calls and letters went unanswered until last October, when the foundation wrote to say it had 'verified' the information she had sent them and asking her to contact them. Unfortunately, Pule had died of a stroke a month earlier.
Pule's family is now waiting to hear from Mandela's daughter Zindzi, who is said to be handling the claim. No one from Mandela's family could be reached for comment.
UN acquits Sobhraj, asks Nepal for his release, compensation
Seven years after remaining behind bars in Nepal for the alleged murder of an American tourist and having his 'not guilty' plea rejected by Nepali courts, Charles Sobhraj has finally a silver lining with the UN saying he did not get a fair trial and asking the government of Nepal to free him as well as pay compensation.
The decision, poles apart from the judgment handed down last Friday by Nepal's Supreme Court, comes from the Human Rights Committee, the wing of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva that monitors whether the countries signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights are implementing it.
In November 2008, five years after Sobhraj was arrested from a casino in Kathmandu, charged with the murder of Connie Jo Bronzich in 1975 and found guilty, his French lawyer Isabelle Coutant-Peyre filed a complaint with the UN, saying her client did not get a fair trial in Nepal.
During its 99th session in Geneva from July 12-30, the UN committee has ruled that Sobhraj was not allowed access to judicial remedies, the courts were biased and his basic rights were violated.
'In accordance with the covenant, the state is under an obligation to provide (Sobhraj) with an effective remedy, including the speedy conclusion of the proceedings and compensation,' the committee said in a statement dated July 27 that was forwarded to his lawyer in Paris on Wednesday.
The committee also noted that Nepal, by signing the Covenant in 1996, agreed to respect the competence of the committee and was obliged to prevent similar violations in future.
The UN clean chit comes as a shot in the arm for Sobhraj, who became branded the 'Bikini Killer' in Nepal as prosecutors sought to dredge up allegations of crimes committed in Thailand, Afghanistan and beyond without providing any evidence to prove that he killed Bronzich in Kathmandu in 1975.
The sole 'evidence' produced by Nepal Police were two photocopies of two guest registration cards they said Sobhraj had signed in 1975 when he stayed in two upmarket Kathmandu hotels, posing as Henricus Bintanja, a Dutch tourist.
The UN committee noted that though a court of appeals had thrown out a case by police claiming that Sobhraj had come to Nepal in 1975 using Bintanja's passport, Nepal's Supreme Court wrongly revived it.
In 1975, there was no immigration law in Nepal, which came into effect only in the early 1990s.
The committee, in its ruling, said the Supreme Court applied the immigration act of 1992 for a crime in 1975, violating the principle that 'no one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act which did not constitute a criminal offence in the time when it was committed'.
According to the UN agency, the trial was heavily biased against Sobhraj.
'The committee is concerned to note the assertion in both the district court (which first convicted Sobhraj of murder in 2004) and the Patan Appellate Court's judgments that if a person claims that he was in another place during the incident then he has to prove it ... the presumption of innocence , which is fundamental to the protection of human rights, imposes on the prosecution the burden of proving the charge, guarantees that no guilt can be presumed until the charge has been proved beyond reasonable doubt, ensures that the accused has the benefit of doubt, and requires that persons accused of a criminal act must be treated in accordance with this principle.'
It also came down heavily on the Nepal government for holding Sobhraj in illegal detention after his arrest in 2003 for 25 days without allowing him to consult a lawyer, having court proceedings in Nepali without providing him an interpreter and protracting the trial in the Supreme Court.
'Most hearings were cancelled or postponed at the last minute without reasons being provided,' it said. 'The length of proceedings and high number of postponements and cancellations can't be justified.'
Asked to defend Nepal against Sobhraj's complaint, Nepal's permanent representative to the UN, Madhu Raman Acharya, answered in April 2010 that Sobhraj's trial was conducted fully in accordance with Nepali laws. Also, since he was not a Nepali citizen and was a convicted criminal, the rights guaranteed by Covenant did not apply to him.
'This has no basis in law,' the UN committee said. 'Right of access to courts and tribunals and equality before them must be available to all individuals, regardless of nationality and status.'
Finally, the UN committee has given the government of Nepal six months' time to take necessary action.
'The committee wishes to receive from the state within 180 days information about the measures taken to give effect to the committee's views,' it said.
Geelani back to square oneHindustan Times - 39 minutes agoNew Delhi's expectations from hardline All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani to accept Home Minister P Chidambaram's dialogue offer and help simmer down anger on the streets of Kashmir was dashed on Saturday. ... Geelani rejects Centre's offer of dialogueThe Hindu - 1 hour agoPTI Hardline Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, who recently came out against violence in Kashmir, on Saturday rejected the Centre's dialogue offer. "I strongly reject the talks offer.... We will not enter into a dialogue with New Delhi, ... Geelani rejects Chidambaram's talks offer, Mirwaiz silentTimes of India - 9 hours agoSRINAGAR: The offer of "quiet dialogue" by union home minister P Chidambaram has not gone down too well with separatist leaders in Jammu and Kashmir with hardline leader Syed Ali Geelani rejecting it saying it was an attempt to "discredit him" as he ...
Paradise continues to crash and burnTimes of India - 5 hours agoThe crisis in Kashmir shows no sign of petering out any time soon. As the valley is gripped in a vicious circle of violence and retribution between stone-pelting local protestors and security forces, New Delhi and chief minister Omar Abdullah have ... Centre ready for dialogue with all sections in J&K: ChidambaramTimes of India - 17 hours agoNEW DELHI: In a bid to cool down heated tempers in the Kashmir Valley, home minister P Chidambaram on Friday said the Centre was ready to resume dialogue with all sections, including the one led by Hurriyat hardliner Syed Ali Shah Geelani, ... Geelani calls for peaceful protestsThe Hindu - Shujaat Bukhari - Aug 4, 2010Hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Geelani on Wednesday made a fervent appeal to the people to remain peaceful during their agitation and not burn public property. Additional deployment of troops from Delhi would not deter the people from their ... Talks with all sections in J&K: ChidambaramThe Hindu - Sandeep Dikshit - 17 hours agoNEW DELHI: Stressing that the government's priority was to win "hearts and minds" in Jammu and Kashmir, Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Friday told the Rajya Sabha that New Delhi was reactivating the process of consulting political parties. ... NC offered me political space, says GeelaniThe Hindu - Shujaat Bukhari - Aug 4, 2010AP Hurriyat Conference leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani. File photo Syed Ali Geelani, chairman of the hard-line faction of the Hurriyat Conference, on Wednesday disclosed that the ruling National Conference (NC) offered him political space for the "cause" ... Situation in Kashmir valley slipping out of control, says BJPDaily News & Analysis - Aug 6, 2010Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI BJP today said that the situation in Kashmir valley is "slipping out of control" and warned against any "knee jerk reaction" by giving a political package. "Any concession made at this stage will further dilute the ... Govt, BJP both believe Pakistan has changed Kashmir strategyDaily News & Analysis - Aug 6, 2010Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI Though they may disagree on ways to deal with the Kashmir imbroglio, the government and the Opposition BJP today appeared to be on the same page as far as the role of Pakistan in the problem is concerned. ... All 49 related articles » | RelatedSyed Ali Shah GeelaniJammu and Kashmir Srinagar All Parties Hurriyat Conference Kashmiri people India Timeline of articles Number of sources covering this story
ImagesThe HinduThe Hindu Oneindia Deccan Herald Calcutta Telegr... Deccan Herald Reuters Africa GreaterKashmir.... GreaterKashmir.... All related images |
Laxman and Tendulkar help India level series
Colombo: VVS Laxman cracked a unbeaten 103 as India relied on their experienced batsmen to pull off a five-wicket win in the third and final cricket Test against Sri Lanka to level the series 1-1.Laxman defied cramps and anchored the innings brilliantly to notch up his 16th Test hndred, while Sachin Tendulkar (54) and Suresh Raina (41 not out) were the other notable contributors as the visitors overhauled the target of 257 with about 10 minutes before the tea break.
Raina clobbered Chanaka Welegedara for a six to hand Sri Lanka there first defeat at the P Sara Oval Stadium since August 1994, triggering scenes of celebration in the Indian dressing room.
Chasing 257 on a rather difficult fifth day track, the Indians recovered from early blows suffered on Day 4 with a 109-run partnership between Laxman and Tendulkar that laid the foundation of the win.
But on the flipside, Mahendra Singh Dhoni's men could not break the 17-year-old jinx of not winning a series in the island nation.
Resuming from an overnight score of 53 for three, India lost night-watchman Ishant Sharma (4) early in the morning. Ishant was caught at short mid-wicket by Kumar Sangakkara off Suraj Randiv in the morning. Randiv ripped in a flighted loopy delivery around off and middle stump, leaving Ishant bemused who looked shaky right from the start.
Tendulkar and Laxman then took it upon themseleves to steady the ship and steer a successful chase. Tendulkar was the more cautious of the two veteran right-handers, taking 106 deliveries to reach his 55th Test half century. He didn't celebrate much on reaching the milestone, but the Indian dressing room was up in applause for another of the iconic batsman's match-winning contributions.
Tendulkar had his share of luck in the early in the innings, when he was dropped by Tillakaratne Dilshan at short leg while trying to push a Randiv turner.The ball had gone off the bat and pad to the right of short-leg and Tendulkar, who was on just 18, heaved a huge sigh of relief when Dilshan spilled the opportunity. The Indian right-hander attacked Randiv thereafter by charging down the track, and driving a shot past the bowler for a boundary.
Laxman, on his part, leaned forward to an Ajantha Mendis delivery from the middle stump, and turned it on to the boundary, marking the 50-run partnership between the two which came in 92 balls.
145 for four at lunch, India still had some distance to cover before getting to the target, and there was a bit of drama to come immediately after the break.
Tendulkar was dismissed when Randiv flighted one outside the leg stump and the Indian, attempting a sweep shot, ended up gloving one to wicket-keeper Prasanna Jayawardene. His contribution to the win ended at 54 which came off 122 balls and included three fours.
But the ever-dependable Laxman ensured that his illustrious partner's dismissal did not trigger the kind of dreadful collapses that have cost India in the past.
The stylish Hyderabadi scored freely and his fifty, which came while Tendulkar was there at the other end, came off just 81 balls in the post-lunch session.
Joined by the in-form Raina, who scored a century on debut in the drawn second Test, Laxman ensured that the boundaries kept coming for India at regular intervals and he alone collected 12 of them.
The 35-year-old's body, however, started troubling him after he reached 60. Laxman was down on ground in pain before the 52nd over due to a lower back problem, which required the physio's assistance. But the gritty batsman continued nonetheless with Virender Sehwag as his runner.
He reached his century off 146 deliveries by striking consecutive fours off Mendis in the 68th over. Raina, on the other hand, rode his luck getting away with some edges that flew over fielders to play his role in the final outcome with a 45-ball 41, which included four boundaries and a six.
The 23-year-old left-hander has created a selection headache in the team by outperforming the injury-prone and desperately out of form Yuvraj Singh. Laxman remained unbeaten at the other end, facing 149 deliveries in all.
Sri Lankan bowlers paid the price for not being attacking enough and though Randiv managed to pick up five wickets conceding just 82 runs in his 29 overs, others, including the much-feared pacer Lasith Malinga and Mendis, failed to provide the breakthroughs.
Source: PTI
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Hollywood actor Julia Roberts embraces Hinduism
NEW DELHI: Her parents were Baptist and Catholic and she was born in Georgia, part of the US Bible… Times of India · 2 hours ago
Hindus warmly welcome Julia Roberts to Hinduism
I am a practising Hindu, says Julia
Julia Roberts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Julia Fiona Roberts (born October 28, 1967) is an American actress. She is known for starring in the romantic comedy Pretty Woman, which grossed $463 million worldwide.
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Julia Fiona Roberts, born in Smyrna, Georgia, never dreamed she would... See Date of Birth: 28 October 1967 , Smyrna, Georgia, USA See
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Julia Roberts Pictures - Photos - Biography - Pics
Fan site dedicated to Actress Julia Roberts with Pictures, Biography, Wallpapers, Julia Roberts Photos, Quotes, TV Shows and Movies
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Julia Roberts: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
Julia Fiona Roberts (born October 28, 1967) is an American actress. She became well known during the early 1990s after starring in the romantic comedy
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Julia Roberts :Pics of Julia Roberts, Photos, Wallpapers, Hollywood ...
Julia Roberts Pictures - Photogallery of Julia Roberts at Connect.in.com, Hollywood Actors Wallpapers, Julia Roberts Videos, Julia Roberts Movies & Julia Roberts Photos.
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Julia Roberts Pictures, Biography, Filmography, News, Videos
News: • Julia Roberts: 'I Want My Kids To Know When I'm P**sed' • Eric Roberts In 'Celebrity Rehab' For Marijuana Addiction • 'Glee' Star Lea Michele Heats Up The Red Carpet ...
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www.solarnavigator.net - Julia Roberts talented Hollywood actors amd actresses and fiction thriller adventure movies A to Z directory.
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Julia Roberts News - Julia Roberts Pictures, Videos, About Julia ...
Get the latest Julia Roberts news, pictures and videos and learn all about Julia Roberts from Hollyscoop, your celebrity news source.
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Julia Roberts Pics - Julia Roberts Hot Pictures - Photos - Fan Site ...
Juliarobertspics.com, featuring the latest glossy photos, gallery, cool wallpapers and biography. Plus all the latest happenings, news and gossip items about the femme fatale of ...
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Julia Roberts on the WEB! - Main page.
This site about Julia Roberts.Includes: biography,filmography,interviews,awards,photos,chat,boards,news, and much more cool stuff.
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Images of Julia roberts
Videos of Julia roberts
Best of Julia RobertsYouTube 7:18
Julia Roberts Gives A Free Back Rub
MTV 1:43
David Letterman - Julianna Margulies Waits On Julia Roberts
TV.com 2:06
Julia Roberts Campbell Scott "Dying Young"
YouTube 2:00
Learn more about Julia Roberts
- Category: American actress
- Date of birth: October 28, 1967
- Profession: Actor
- Works written: Sleeping with the Enemy, ...
- Films produced: Eat Pray Love, ...
- Appears in: America's Sweethearts, Closer, Flatliners, ...
Source: Freebase
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- Emma Thompson honoured with star on Hollywood Walk of FamePTI - 04:08 PM
- Los Angeles, Aug 7 (PTI) Oscar winner Emma Thompson has been immortalised on the Hollywood Walk of Fame after unveiling her star.
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- London, Aug 7 (PTI) 'Slumdog Millionaire' star Dev Patel has admitted he is a "scaredy-cat" who is afraid of creepy crawlies and even cries in public.
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- Melbourne, Aug 7 (ANI): The sexy g-string has been shown the dustbin by Brit women, who are increasingly swapping the thongs for gigantic waist-hugging underwear.
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- K J M Varma Beijing, Aug 7 (PTI) The ruling Chinese Communist Party has launched a new initiative to cleanse the print and electronic media from 'vanity, vulgarity, and kitsch' asking for an end to 'vulgar' publications and broadcasts.
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- London, Aug 7 (ANI): British actress Emma Thompson has been honoured with a Hollywood Walk of Fame star outside the historic Pig 'n' Whistle pub on Hollywood Boulevard.
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- London, Aug 7 (ANI): English model/actress Kelly Brook has revealed that she struggles to find clothes that fit her.
- Mayank Shekhar's Review: AishaHT - 04:25 PM
- Mumbai, Aug. 6 -- Aisha Director: Rajshree Ojha Actors: Sonam Kapoor, Abhay Deol Rating: *1/2 Couples sip on champagne; tinkle and toast to good health; wear sparkling whites (inauspicious colour for Hindus) at weddings of middle-aged pairs. Sunday afternoons are reserved for fancy hats at the races. I've never quite socialised in these imagined circles.
- Priyanka Chopra is new Unicef national ambassadorIANS - 04:10 PM
- New Delhi, Aug 7 (IANS) Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has been appointed the national ambassador of Unicef and she will support it in promoting child rights, officials said Saturday.
- Panamanian ships collide near Mumbai, 33 sailors rescuedIANS - 03:56 PM
- Mumbai, Aug 7 (IANS) The Indian Coast Guard rescued all 33 sailors from two Panamanian cargo ships which collided off the Mumbai Harbour here Saturday morning, an official said.
- Shilpa Shetty, Malaika best item girls: SalmanIANS - 03:08 PM
- New Delhi, Aug 7 (IANS) Bollywood star Salman Khan, who has gyrated to sizzling number 'Munni Badnaam' with his sister-in-law Malaika Arora Khan in 'Dabangg', says apart from her only actress Shilpa Shetty can be counted among the best item girls in the industry.
- 'Peepli Live' premiere draw thousands in MelbourneIE - 02:15 PM
- Thousands of Indians along with locals flocked to get a glimpse of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan at the premiere of his latest home production 'Peepli Live'. The 45-year-old actor was in Melbourne on Friday to promote his latest film at the ongoing Melbourne International Film Festival 2010.
- Mayank Shekhar's Review: AishaHT - 04:25 PM
- Mumbai, Aug. 6 -- Aisha Director: Rajshree Ojha Actors: Sonam Kapoor, Abhay Deol Rating: *1/2 Couples sip on champagne; tinkle and toast to good health; wear sparkling whites (inauspicious colour for Hindus) at weddings of middle-aged pairs. Sunday afternoons are reserved for fancy hats at the races. I've never quite socialised in these imagined circles.
- Priyanka Chopra is new Unicef national ambassadorIANS - 04:10 PM
- New Delhi, Aug 7 (IANS) Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has been appointed the national ambassador of Unicef and she will support it in promoting child rights, officials said Saturday.
- Panamanian ships collide near Mumbai, 33 sailors rescuedIANS - 03:56 PM
- Mumbai, Aug 7 (IANS) The Indian Coast Guard rescued all 33 sailors from two Panamanian cargo ships which collided off the Mumbai Harbour here Saturday morning, an official said.
- Shilpa Shetty, Malaika best item girls: SalmanIANS - 03:08 PM
- New Delhi, Aug 7 (IANS) Bollywood star Salman Khan, who has gyrated to sizzling number 'Munni Badnaam' with his sister-in-law Malaika Arora Khan in 'Dabangg', says apart from her only actress Shilpa Shetty can be counted among the best item girls in the industry.
- 'Peepli Live' premiere draw thousands in MelbourneIE - 02:15 PM
- Thousands of Indians along with locals flocked to get a glimpse of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan at the premiere of his latest home production 'Peepli Live'. The 45-year-old actor was in Melbourne on Friday to promote his latest film at the ongoing Melbourne International Film Festival 2010.
Pranab arrives in Dhaka with $1 bn package, given warm welcome
Anisur Rahman Dhaka, Aug 7 (PTI) Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee arrived here today with a billion dollar credit package on a four-hour long visit, during which he will also call on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Mukherjee, who is the first high-profile Indian leader to visit Bangladesh after Hasina''s tour to New Delhi in January, was accorded a red carpet welcome at the city''s Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport.A special Indian Air Force jet carried the influential leader of India''s ruling Congress-led government. His Bangladeshi counterpart, Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, received him on the VVIP tarmac of the airport, where a tiny tot offered him a bouquet.
"We (India) are committed to assisting Bangladesh in addressing its priorities for development," Mukherjee said in an arrival statement. His visit will be marked by the signing of a USD 1 billion loan deal, the largest line of credit received by Bangladesh under a single agreement.
Mukherjee, who is also set to hold talks with Muhith, his host Foreign Minister Dipu Moni and Sheikh Hasina during the tour, said Dhaka-New Delhi ties touched a new high following Hasina''s "landmark" visit to India earlier in the year. "A forward looking and comprehensive joint communiqu has been adopted by the two leaders (Hasina and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh).
I am happy that considerable progress has been made in the implementation of several important initiatives taken in the communiqu," he said. Mukherjee referred to the close bonds of friendship based on common heritage, historic, linguistic and cultural ties and added, "We need to continue to build on these commonalities and promote the well-being of our people to greater economic engagements.
" India''s Exim Bank will sign the USD 1 billion Line of Credit agreement with Bangladesh''s Economic Relations Division. The loan will be used for 14 projects, mostly related to development of railway and communications infrastructure in Bangladesh, particularly to facilitate trans-shipment of Indian goods to the isolated northeastern region through Bangladesh.
Commerce Minister Faruque Khan told PTI yesterday that Dhaka was expected to seek expeditious Indian steps to remove tariff and non-tariff barriers on Bangladeshi products in line with a summit-level understanding in January during talks with Mukherjee. Foreign ministry officials said the entire gamut of bilateral relations and issues, including sharing of Teesta river water, were likely to come up for discussions between the Indian minister and Bangladesh leaders and Mukherjee was expected to review the implementation of agreements reached between the two countries at that time.
Opinions and Editorials
When a hero comes along...
IE - 05:49 AMIn his piece, 'The power of one' (IE, July 31), Shekhar Gupta has highlighted the role of heroes in public service.
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- Not double or nothing IE - 05:49 AM
- There's the difference of a single zero between 35,000 and 3,500, but both numbers have captured our imagination when it comes to fixing the magical, almost mythical, number of tigers that have walked India's forests.
- Unfair diktat IE - 05:49 AM
- Besides education and profession, food and clothes are also matters of personal choice in a democratic society.
- How to give IE - 05:49 AM
- The Giving Pledge, announced by 38 American billionaires (almost one in 10 of a total 400 in that bracket), dedicates about half their wealth totalling about $115 billion, to charity.
- Not this number IE - 05:49 AM
- Despite the sound of it, it is not remotely funny. Union Finance Minister and veteran politician Pranab Mukherjee must have well-screened callers on his mobile. Yet one of those undodgeable, catch-you-anywhere — and, of course, unsolicited — telemarketers slipped through when Mukherjee was meeting with opposition leaders on the price rise issue.
- Cracking the BlackBerry IE - 05:49 AM
- The showdown between the Indian government and Research in Motion, the Canadian company behind the BlackBerry service has reached a crescendo.
- Temporary insanity IE - 05:49 AM
- Let us begin with a straightforward question: are you for the Commonwealth Games, or against? Straightforward and simple, you might say.
- Agent principles IE - 05:49 AM
- Reserve Bank of India Governor D. Subbarao, delivering the C.D. Deshmukh memorial lecture in Hyderabad on Thursday, told his audience that the RBI could not, and should not, focus all its energies on achieving for India a desired, or "target" rate of inflation.
- Anarchy in the Valley IE - 05:49 AM
- Kashmir is very much in the news these days. BJP MLAs from Jammu & Kashmir came to New Delhi last week, met the prime minister and submitted a memorandum cautioning him against any dilution in the presence of security forces in that state. They also urged him not to succumb to the acceptance of any separatist demand.
- Bucking the dollar FE - 02:27 AM
- Despite the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system of pegged exchange rates that was centred on the US dollar, it has remained the world's reserve currency until now.
- Report card FE - 02:27 AM
- This paper* studies the influence of stronger intellectual property protection on technology transfer into developing countries via licensing.
- Column : A taxing matter FE - 02:27 AM
- It is not going to be easy for foreign companies having permanent establishments (PE) in India to say a quick adios to their Indian ties, since the taxman seems to be in a mood to hold on to them.
- Column : This time it's different in Kashmir FE - 02:27 AM
- It is tempting to see the upsurge in Jammu and Kashmir as a return to the early 1990s, to the black, scary days when Srinagar crowds chanted "Azaadi, azaadi", and when veterans of the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan, fresh from their defeat of a superpower, decided to make India's most troubled province their new theatre.
- FE Editorial : Subbarao's trinity FE - 02:27 AM
- RBI governor D Subbarao made out a strong case against inflation-targeting at the CD Deshmukh Memorial Lecture in Hyderabad on Thursday.
- Letters to the editor FE - 02:27 AM
- Apropos of the edit 'On price rise' (FE, July 31), there are both external and internal factors responsible for steep price hike and soaring double-digit inflation.
- Column : BlackBerry fuss for nothing? FE - 02:26 AM
- On Friday, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia put into effect a ban on the use of the messenger services on the BlackBerry smartphones.
- FE Editorial : US capitalism still leads FE - 02:26 AM
- Even when the US economy has been taking knocks left, right and centre, it clearly remains a haven for interesting ideas.
- Sehwag and Gavaskar batting together will be a dream come true for everyone IE - Fri, Aug 6
- I know it isn't possible but, what the hell, we think about it all the time! We try and match players from different generations and while that is not just unfair but impossible to do, I have been spending a lot of time (advantage of being on one flight too many) thinking of what it would be to watch Sunil Gavaskar and Virender Sehwag, the two Indian opening batsmen at different ends of my cri
- When milestones become millstones IE - Fri, Aug 6
- The Boston Red Sox haven't given their fans much to cheer about this summer so we've had to take our pleasure where we could find it, for example, by watching Alex Rodriguez of the Yankees struggle to hit his 600th career home run — again and again and again.
- Spirit of Nalanda IE - Fri, Aug 6
- Every great civilisation or historical epoch, at some point in its decline, witnesses the burning of its books and thereafter an erasure of or irreversible damage to the intellectual life and character of its survivors.
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- Ancient Mohenjodaro remains under threat from swollen Indus RiverANI - 05:15 PM
- Islamabad, Aug.7 (ANI): The world famous ancient remains of Mohenjodaro are under threat from the swollen Indus River in Pakistan's Sindh province.
- Australia PM meets ousted rival; poll predicts lossReuters - 03:44 PM
- Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard met ousted predecessor Kevin Rudd on Saturday to bolster a flagging campaign as a new poll predicted she would lose a general election in two weeks' time.
- 18 Tanzanian children drown in Lake VictoriaReuters - Fri, Aug 6
- Eighteen Tanzanian children drowned when their crowded boat capsized in strong winds on Lake Victoria, a regional official said on Friday.
- Its raining men Down UnderANI - Fri, Aug 6
- Melbourne, Aug 06 (ANI): There are 131 men for every 100 women in Walgett, in the Australia's northwest region, revealed recent data by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
- Angolan president relaunches $50 bln housing planReuters - Thu, Aug 5
- Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos renewed a $50 billion pledge on Thursday to build one million new homes for the poor, despite growing signs of weakness in the major African oil-producer's public finances.
- Eight foreign medical workers killed in AfghanIE - 05:45 PM
- Eight foreign medical workers, including several Americans, were killed by gunmen in Afghanistan's remote northeast, police and officials said on Saturday, with the attack claimed by the Taliban.
- Tattooing linked to higher hepatitis C riskIE - 05:45 PM
- A new study has revealed that individuals with multiple tattoos that cover large parts of their bodies are at higher risk of contracting hepatitis C and other blood-borne diseases.
- Popeye cartoons boost vegetable intake in kidsIE - 05:45 PM
- Worried about your kids not eating enough veggies through the day? Well, then show him Popeye cartoon, organise tasting parties and involve them while you cook food for the family.
- Michelle Obama reveals she loves eating pie and deep-dish pizzaANI - 04:20 PM
- New York, August 07 (ANI): Michelle Obama has revealed that she loves eating pie and deep-dish pizza, but makes up for it by exercising plenty and eating a vegetable-rich diet.
- UN defends Pak-origin aide over Kashmir rowIE - 03:15 PM
- An extraordinary attack on the Indian media and defence of Pakistani-origin aide of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon marked another round of the raging row over Kashmir at the world body's headquarters here.
- - 08:05 PM
- Moscow, Aug 7 (IANS/RIA Novosti) Wildfires raging across the central part of European Russia are threatening to engulf the military command of the Russian missile attack warning centre in the Moscow region, a military spokesman said Saturday.
- New Oxford centre to study intelligenceIE - 05:45 PM
- How does intelligence arise in our brains from the way nerve cells, with no intelligence of their own, are wired into circuits? A new 15 million pounds research centre, called the Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, is to be established at Oxford University to investigate this key question.
- Planes diverted, offices close as Moscow chokesIE - 05:45 PM
- Planes were diverted from Moscow airports on Friday after huge peat and forest fires blanketed the capital in acrid smoke, forcing some businesses to close and office workers to wear surgical masks at their desks.
- Five drug traffickers hanged in IranIANS - 05:14 PM
- Berlin, Aug 7 (DPA) Five convicted drug traffickers were hanged Saturday in Iran, Fars news agency reported.
- Russia accuses US of flouting non-proliferation treatyIANS - 05:07 PM
- Moscow, Aug 7 (IANS/RIA Novosti) Russia Saturday accused the US of violating its obligations under bilateral nuclear arms reduction treaties.
- Iranian 'stoning to death' widow says false sentence due to her being a womanANI - 03:45 PM
- London, Aug 7 (ANI): Iranian woman Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, who has been sentenced to death by stoning, has accused Tehran of lying about the charges against her to pave the way to execute her in secret.
- UAE sets up panel to sight Ramadan moonIANS - 03:19 PM
- Abu Dhabi, Aug 7 (IANS/WAM) UAE Justice Minister Hadef Jouan Al Dhahiri has set up a panel to sight the crescent moon that marks the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.
- UAE confirms terror attack on Japanese tankerIANS - Fri, Aug 6
- Abu Dhabi, Aug 6 (IANS/WAM) The United Arab Emirates Coast Guard Friday confirmed the terror attack on a Japanese tanker in the Strait of Hormuz last week, saying a boat loaded with explosives had hit the vessel.
- 16 civilians killed in Afghanistan, ISAF saysIANS - Fri, Aug 6
- Kabul, Aug 6 (DPA) An operation by international and Afghan forces in eastern Afghanistan claimed at least four civilian casualties, while roadside bombs killed 12 civilians, the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said.
- Iran suspicious over WikiLeaks disclosuresANI - Fri, Aug 6
- New Delhi, Aug 6 (ANI): Iran is suspicious about the revelations made by web portal WikiLeaks, exposing the dubious designs of Pakistani spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence in targeting Indian interests in Kabul and role of Tehran in fuelling insurgency in Afghanistan.
- Nelson Mandela may have fathered illegitimate childIANS - 06:41 PM
- Johannesburg, Aug 7 (IANS) Former South African president Nelson Mandela may have fathered an illegitimate daughter following an affair in 1945, his foundation has said.
- Oz women say their nude pic is art after photographic competition banANI - 05:15 PM
- Sydney, Aug 7 (ANI): Two Australian women have fought back after a charity run contest decided to remove their topless picture from the competition because it was considered inappropriate.
- Tiger Airways considering 'vertical seating'ANI - 05:15 PM
- Sydney, Aug 7 (ANI): Tiger Airways based in Singapore has revealed that it is considering introducing 'vertical seating' like the one by Ryanair has proposed.
- US toddler bakes to death after being locked inside busANI - 04:35 PM
- Melbourne, Aug 7 (ANI): A two-year-old girl in Florida was baked to death in a minibus after the driver forgot she was inside and accidentally locked her.
- Oz Labour candidate Tony Abbott challenged to boxing matchANI - 03:35 PM
- Sydney, Aug 7 (ANI): Aussie Labour candidate Tony Abbott has been challenged by opposition leader Hugh Zochling for a charity-boxing match.
- Westerners in Saudi face attack threat - U.S. embassyReuters - 06:39 PM
- The U.S. Embassy in Saudi Arabia said Westerners face possible attack from unidentified extremists in the central province of al-Qassim, in the first warning of its kind this year.
- Al Qaeda claims attack in Yemen oil province - WebReuters - 06:37 PM
- Al Qaeda's Yemen-based arm said it was behind an attack that killed at least six soldiers in an oil province last month, and threatened more strikes on government targets.
- Russian troops dig canal to bar fire from atom siteReuters - 06:01 PM
- Russian troops dug a 8-km (5-mile) long canal to keep fires caused by a record heatwave away from a nuclear arms site, local media said on Saturday as air pollution from the crisis rose to more than six times above normal.
- US, British nationals killed in Afghan attackIANS - 05:50 PM
- Kabul, Aug 7 (DPA) A charity organisation said Saturday that six Americans, one German and one British national on a medical mission were among 10 people killed by militants in northeastern Afghanistan.
- Foreign fighters support Taliban in AfghanistanIANS - 05:44 PM
- Kabul, Aug 7 (IANS) About 40 foreign fighters have been supporting Taliban militants in Afghanistan's northern Kunduz province, police said Saturday.
World News
Pakistanis desperate to escape flood areas
Reuters - 03:09 PMPakistanis desperate to get out of flooded villages threw themselves at helicopters on Saturday as more heavy rain was expected to intensify both suffering and anger with the government.
View: Headlines Only | Include Summaries | Include Photos
- Three killed in Thailand's insurgency-plagued south Reuters - 06:52 PM
- Suspected Muslim insurgents shot dead three people in Thailand's restive south on Saturday in two separate incidents, police said, the latest violence in the troubled region bordering Malaysia.
- Westerners in Saudi face attack threat - U.S. embassy Reuters - 06:39 PM
- The U.S. Embassy in Saudi Arabia said Westerners face possible attack from unidentified extremists in the central province of al-Qassim, in the first warning of its kind this year.
- Al Qaeda claims attack in Yemen oil province - Web Reuters - 06:37 PM
- Al Qaeda's Yemen-based arm said it was behind an attack that killed at least six soldiers in an oil province last month, and threatened more strikes on government targets.
- Russian troops dig canal to bar fire from atom site Reuters - 06:01 PM
- Russian troops dug a 8-km (5-mile) long canal to keep fires caused by a record heatwave away from a nuclear arms site, local media said on Saturday as air pollution from the crisis rose to more than six times above normal.
- Lebanon bent on building up army after Israel clash Reuters - 04:56 PM
- Lebanon said on Saturday it was committed to building up its armed forces after complaints by Israel about Western assistance to the military following a deadly border clash between the two countries.
- INTERVIEW - Iraq's Maliki still wants PM job despite govt impasse Reuters - 03:59 PM
- Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki acknowledged he was "part of the problem" holding up the formation of a new Iraq government but challenged allies and opponents to find a better candidate for the top job.
- 02:12 PM
- Eight foreigners, believed to be medical workers and including "several" Americans and up to six Germans, were killed by gunmen in Afghanistan's remote northeast, police and officials said on Saturday.
- Australia PM meets ousted rival; poll predicts loss Reuters - 03:44 PM
- Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard met ousted predecessor Kevin Rudd on Saturday to bolster a flagging campaign as a new poll predicted she would lose a general election in two weeks' time.
- China gold mine fire kills 16 - Xinhua Reuters - 02:15 PM
- A fire at a gold mine in eastern China killed 16 people, while more than 300 were lifted to safety, state news agency Xinhua said on Saturday.
- "Several Americans" believed killed in Afghan shooting Reuters - 12:01 PM
- Several Americans were believed to have been killed, the U.S. Embassy in Kabul said on Saturday after Afghan police reported at least eight foreigners, including six Germans, had been shot dead by gunmen in northeast Afghanistan.
- Venezuela signals thaw with Colombia, tensions linger Reuters - 11:19 AM
- Venezuela's foreign minister will attend the inauguration of Colombia's incoming president, Juan Manuel Santos, on Saturday, signaling a thaw between the Andean neighbors after relations broke over leftist rebels.
- Pakistan's Sindh on high alert for floods Reuters - 11:16 AM
- Districts in Pakistan's Sindh province were on high alert on Saturday for floods which have devastated other parts of the country and cast fresh doubts over President Asif Ali Zardari's leadership.
- Heavy rain hampers flood relief in India's Ladakh Reuters - 09:57 AM
- Heavy rainfall was hampering rescue and relief efforts in the Himalayan region of Ladakh on Saturday, the army said, after flash floods killed at least 113 people.
- Planes diverted, offices close as Moscow chokes Reuters - 09:30 AM
- Planes were diverted from Moscow airports on Friday after huge peat and forest fires blanketed the capital in acrid smoke, forcing some businesses to close and office workers to wear surgical masks at their desks.
- Tanker damage blamed on attack, Japan seeks details Reuters - 08:55 AM
- Militants attacked a Japanese supertanker with explosives near the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most important shipping routes, the United Arab Emirates state news agency said on Friday.
- China gold mine fire kills 14, 300 rescued - Xinhua Reuters - 07:05 AM
- A fire at a gold mine in eastern China has killed 14 miners, while more than 300 have been lifted to safety, state news agency Xinhua said on Saturday.
- California officials want gay marriages to resume Reuters - 06:56 AM
- California's governor and attorney general on Friday separately urged a federal judge to lift the state's ban on gay marriages pending an appeal of his ruling finding it unconstitutional.
- France names envoy to relaunch Syria-Israel talks Reuters - 06:43 AM
- President Nicolas Sarkozy has named a former French ambassador to the Middle East as a mediator between Israel and Syria in an effort to kick-start stalled peace talks, the French foreign ministry said on Friday.
- Dutch police arrest woman over deaths of 4 babies Reuters - 12:16 AM
- Dutch police said on Friday they had arrested a 25-year-old woman on suspicion of killing four of her babies over an eight-year period, echoing a similar case in France last week.
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Calm Laxman defies spasms and past demonsCricInfo.com - Sidharth Monga - 34 minutes agoA testing fifth-day pitch, an accurate rookie spinner, an old foe in Ajantha Mendis and a troublesome back were all thrown at VVS Laxman. Yet, he found a way to sneak past them to see India home The celebrations were fairly muted. ... A very satisfying win - LaxmanCricInfo.com - Sidharth Monga, Sara Oval - 34 minutes agoVVS Laxman has spent almost all his career as the most disposable member of the team. He has one bad Test, and the knives come out. Fans and critics alike find Laxman's the easiest place to question. Thankfully, his team-mates and the selectors know ... Laxman proved why he is called very very special: DhoniNDTV.com - 2 hours agoPTI VVS Laxman's unbeaten century under pressure showed why he is regarded as "very very special", captain Mahendra Singh said on Saturday, attributing India's series-levelling victory against Sri Lanka to a "collective effort". ...
Poor batting cost us the Test - SangakkaraCricInfo.com - 1 hour agoSri Lanka captain Kumar Sangakkara has admitted that poor batting on the fourth day cost his team the third and final Test against India at the P Sara Oval. "On the fourth morning I thought in the first session if we had just tried to bat till lunch ... The last man standingCricbuzz - Saurabh Somani - 1 hour agoVVS Laxman brought up a century under severe pressure to help India win the match. When you authored the greatest innings that has ever been played by anybody in the history of your country, you generally don't need to prove anything to anyone. ... We played better cricket in the series: SangakkaraSify - 1 hour agoSri Lankan captain Kumar Sangakkara feels that the hosts were a better side despite sharing the three-match cricket Test series 1-1 with India here Saturday. 'We scored more runs, took more wickets and created more opportunities as compared to India. ... Sri Lanka was better side in Test series: SangakkaraHindustan Times - 3 hours agoPTI They let India level the three-match series by not grabbing chances but Sri Lanka was a better side throughout, host skipper Kumar Sangakkara said on Saturday. India won the third Test by five wickets to deny Sri Lanka a series-win but Sangakkara ... Laxman relishes sheet anchor role in difficult situationNDTV.com - 4 hours agoPTI Veteran Indian batsman VVS Laxman, who guided India to a series-levelling win over Sri Lanka in the third Test, on Saturday said he relishes orchestrating wins in difficult situations. Laxman struck an unbeaten 103, his 16th hundred in 116 Tests, ... Laxman's century helps India level seriesRediff - 6 hours agoVVS Laxman's [ Images ] fluent century guided India [ Images ] to a convincing five-wicket victory to level the three match series 1-1 on Day 5 of the third and final Test, at the P Sara Oval, in Colombo, on Saturday. India's batsmen negotiated the ... India retains top position in ICC Test rankings after series leveling win ...Sify - 3 hours agoIndia will retain the No.1 position in the ICC Test Championship table after pulling off a five-wicket series leveling win against Sri Lanka in the third and final Test match of the series at P. Sara' Oval, Colombo, on Saturday. ... All 1,594 related articles » | RelatedVirender SehwagSri Lanka Sachin Tendulkar V. V. S. Laxman Rahul Dravid Test cricket Timeline of articles Number of sources covering this story
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Death toll rises, many still missing in LehIBNLive.com - 2 hours agoLeh: The situation remains grim in Leh where at least 120 people have died in the flash floods due to the deadly cloudburst. Over 550 people are still missing and over 15000 have been injured giving rise to fears that the death toll could be a lot ... Army, IAF bring succour to devastated LehHindustan Times - 1 hour agoSix Indian Air Force planes landed on Saturday in devastated Leh town in Jammu and Kashmir's Ladakh region with men and material to carry out rescue and relief operations after flash floods triggered by a massive cloudburst killed 120 people. ... Over 500 people still missing in Leh flashfloodsSify - 1 hour agoWhile over 500 people were feared to be missing on Saturday due to yesterday's flashfloods that devastated Leh, the death toll is expected to rise further, as there are many people still trapped in the region. At least 130 persons have died and 370 ... Toll in Leh cloudbursts go upto 132, 600 still missingIndia Today - 10 minutes agoPTI Army men and foreign tourists perform rescue work in Leh on Saturday a day after flash floods. PTI Photo Twenty bodies were on Saturday pulled out from slush and debris in Leh town ravaged by flash floods, raising the toll to 132 even as rescuers ... 6 IAF planes with relief material land in LehThe Hindu - 2 hours agoPTI AP Volunteers carry food rations to flood-ravaged Choglamsar village, on the outskirts of Leh, on Saturday. Photo: AP Six Indian Air Force aircraft carrying relief material, rescue workers and doctors landed here today to provide succour to the ... Leh: 6 Additional Flights Likely to Operate from August 8Outlook - 20 minutes agoAt least six additional commercial flights are expected to operate from Leh tomorrow to evacuate tourists stranded there following the devastating cloudburst that struck Ladakh. Union Home Secretary Gopal K Pillai said the Jammu and Kashmir government ... Cloudbursts ravage Leh: Death toll reaches 130Economic Times - 4 hours ago7 Aug 2010, 1702 hrs IST, PTI LEH: With the recovery of more bodies,the toll in the cloudburst here today climbed to 130 even as 600 more are fearedwashed away in the calamity that was followed by torrential rains and flashfloods devastating this ... Leh flash floods: Relief and rescue work on war footingNDTV.com - 4 hours agoLeh: Large scale search and rescue operations are underway in Leh, with 400 people still missing. Among them are some 31 jawans from an Indo-Tibetan border police camp. At least 115 people have already been killed. Hundreds of injured people are in ... MHA requests Aviation Ministry to operate more flights to LehIBNLive.com - 3 hours agoPTI New Delhi, Aug 7 (PTI) The Home Ministry has requested the Civil Aviation Ministry to operate four to five additional flights from here to Leh to bring back tourists stranded there following the devastating cloudburst that struck Ladakh. ... Margaret Alva expresses grief over loss of lives in Leh cloudburstDaily News & Analysis - 4 hours agoPlace: Dehradun | Agency: PTI Uttarakhand governor Margaret Alva today expressed grief over the loss of lives in the Leh cloudburst. "I hope the relatives of the victims are blessed with the strength to bear the pain from natural calamity," Alva told ... All 1,545 related articles » | RelatedJammu and KashmirLEH Ladakh Srinagar Timeline of articles Number of sources covering this story
ImagesIndia TodayThe Hindu NDTV.com The Hindu Oneindia Deccan Herald Indian Express Oneindia Oneindia All related images » Videos Leh floods: Omar visits hospital, meets victimsNDTV.com - 8 hours ago Watch video <div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/jxPunnJU3Rg/default.jpg" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxPunnJU3Rg">Leh floods: Omar visits hospital, meets victims</a> <span class="source">NDTV.com</span> - 8 hours ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxPunnJU3Rg">Watch video</a></div>
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Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts | |
![]() Roberts at a May 2002 meeting with Congressman Jim Langevin. | |
Born | Julia Fiona Roberts October 28, 1967 Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. |
Occupation | Actress |
Years active | 1987–present |
Net worth | $140 million (as of 2007)[1] |
Religion | Hindu[2] |
Spouse(s) | Lyle Lovett (1993–1995) (divorced) Daniel Moder (2002–present) |
Children | 2 sons, 1 daughter |
Relatives | Eric Roberts (brother) Lisa Roberts Gillan (sister) Emma Roberts (niece) |
Julia Fiona Roberts (born October 28, 1967) is an American actress first brought to the world's attention in the 1990 romantic comedy Pretty Woman, which grossed $463 million worldwide. After receiving Academy Award nominations for Steel Magnolias in 1990 and Pretty Woman in 1991, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress in 2001 for her performance in Erin Brockovich. Her films, which also include romantic comedies such as My Best Friend's Wedding, Mystic Pizza, Notting Hill, Runaway Bride, Valentine's Day and crime films such as The Pelican Brief and Ocean's Eleven and Twelve have collectively brought box office receipts of over $2.4 billion, making her one of the most successful actors in terms of box office receipts.[3]
Roberts had become one of the highest-paid actresses in the world, topping the Hollywood Reporter's annual "power list" of top-earning female stars from 2002 to 2006. Her fee for 1990's Pretty Woman was $300,000;[citation needed] in 2003, she was paid an unprecedented $25 million for her role in Mona Lisa Smile. As of 2007, Roberts's net worth was estimated to be $140 million.[1]
Roberts was the first actress to appear on the cover of Vogue.[citation needed] She has been named one of People magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People in the World" eleven times, tied with Halle Berry. In 2001 Ladies Home Journal ranked her as the 11th most powerful woman in America, ahead of then national security advisor Condoleezza Rice and first lady Laura Bush.[4] Roberts has a production company called Red Om Films, formerly Shoelace Productions ("Moder" spelled backwards, after her husband's last name).
Contents[hide] |
[edit] Early life
![]() | This section of a biographical article needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately, especially if potentially libelous or harmful. (March 2008) |
Roberts was born in Atlanta, Georgia at Crawford Long Hospital (now Emory University Hospital Midtown), the daughter of Betty Lou (née Bredemus) and Walter Grady Roberts.[5][6] Her parents were Baptist and Catholic.[7] Her older brother, Eric Roberts (from whom she was once estranged, but reconciled with in 2004), and sister, Lisa Roberts Gillan, are also actors. Roberts' parents, one-time actors and playwrights, met while performing theatrical productions for the armed forces and later co-founded the Atlanta Actors and Writers Workshop in Atlanta, Georgia, off Juniper Street in Midtown. While her mother was pregnant with Roberts, she and her husband ran an acting school for children in Decatur, Georgia. The children of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King attended the school. As a thank-you for their service, Mrs. King paid the hospital bill when Roberts' mother gave birth to Julia.[8]
Roberts' mother filed for divorce in 1971, with the divorce being finalized early in 1972.[9] The family moved to Smyrna, Georgia (a suburb of Atlanta) in 1972, where Roberts attended Fitzhugh Lee Elementary School, Griffin Middle School and Campbell High School.[10] Her mother re-married to Michael Motes and had another daughter, Nancy Motes, who was born in 1976. Roberts' father died of cancer when she was ten.
In school, Roberts played clarinet in the band. She wanted to be a veterinarian as a child, but soon after graduating from Smyrna's Campbell High School,[11] she headed to New York to join her brother and sister Lisa Roberts Gillan and pursue a career in acting. Once there, she signed with the Click modeling agency and enrolled in acting classes. She reverted to her original name "Julia Roberts" when she discovered that a "Julie Roberts" was already registered with the Screen Actors Guild. Her niece Emma Roberts, whom Julia used to take to movie sets when she was a young girl, has joined her father and aunts in the acting business.
[edit] Career
[edit] 1986–1989
Roberts made her film debut playing a supporting role with her brother, Eric, in Blood Red (she has just two words of dialogue), which, although filmed in 1987 was not released until 1989. Her first television appearance was as a juvenile rape victim in the initial season of the series Crime Story with Dennis Farina, in the episode titled "The Survivor", broadcast on February 13, 1987. She appeared on Sesame Street opposite the character Elmo, demonstrating her ability to change emotions. Roberts first caught the attention of moviegoers with her performance in the independent film Mystic Pizza in 1988; that same year, she had a role in the fourth season finale of Miami Vice. The following year, she was featured in Steel Magnolias as a young bride with diabetes and got her first Academy Award nomination (as Best Supporting Actress) for her performance.
[edit] 1990–2000
Roberts became known to worldwide audiences when she co-starred with Richard Gere in the Cinderella/Pygmalionesque story Pretty Woman in 1990. Roberts won the role after the first three choices for the part, Molly Ringwald, Meg Ryan and Daryl Hannah (Her co-star in Steel Magnolias.), all turned it down.[citation needed] The role also earned her a second Oscar nod, this time as Best Actress. Her next box office success was the thriller Sleeping with the Enemy, playing a battered wife who escapes her demented husband, Patrick Bergin, and begins a new life in Iowa. She played Tinkerbell in Steven Spielberg's Hook in 1991, and also played a nurse in the 1991 film Dying Young. This work was followed by a two-year hiatus, during which she made no films other than a cameo appearance in Robert Altman's The Player (1992). In early 1993, she was the subject of a People magazine cover story asking, "What Happened to Julia Roberts?"[citation needed]
In 1993, she co-starred with Denzel Washington in the successful The Pelican Brief, based on the John Grisham novel. She also starred alongside Liam Neeson in the 1996 film Michael Collins. In 1995 she appeared in season 2 of Friends (episode 13 "The One After the Superbowl"). Over the next few years, she starred in a series of films that were critical and commercial failures, such as Stephen Frears' Mary Reilly (1996). Roberts overcame these failures with the commercial and critical success of My Best Friend's Wedding in 1997. She starred with Hugh Grant in the 1999 film Notting Hill. That same year, she also starred in Runaway Bride, her second film with Richard Gere. Roberts was a guest star on the Law & Order television series episode "Empire" with series regular Benjamin Bratt (at that time her boyfriend). Also in 1999, she starred in the critically panned film Stepmom alongside Susan Sarandon.[12]
[edit] 2001–2005

In 2001, Roberts received the Academy Award for Best Actress for her portrayal of Erin Brockovich, who helped wage a successful lawsuit against energy giant Pacific Gas & Electric. While presenting the Best Actor Award to Denzel Washington the following year, she made a gaffe, saying she was glad that Tom Conti wasn't there. She meant the conductor Bill Conti, who had tried to hasten the conclusion of her Oscar speech the previous year, but instead named the Scottish actor.[13] Roberts would team up with Erin Brockovich director Steven Soderbergh for three more films: Ocean's Eleven (2001), Full Frontal (2002), and Ocean's Twelve (2004). Later in 2001, she starred in the road gangster comedy The Mexican giving her a chance to work with longtime friend Brad Pitt. In 2005, she was featured in the music video for the hit single "Dreamgirl" by the Dave Matthews Band.[citation needed]
[edit] 2006–present
Roberts had two films released in 2006, The Ant Bully and Charlotte's Web. Both films were animated features for which she provided voice acting. Her next film was Charlie Wilson's War, with Tom Hanks and Philip Seymour Hoffman, directed by Mike Nichols and based on the book by former CBS journalist George Crile; it was released on December 21, 2007. Fireflies in the Garden, also starring Ryan Reynolds and Willem Dafoe, was released at the Berlin International Film Festival in February 2008.
Roberts made her Broadway debut on April 19, 2006 as Nan in a revival of Richard Greenberg's 1997 play Three Days of Rain opposite Bradley Cooper and Paul Rudd. Although the play grossed nearly US$1 million dollars in ticket sales during its first week[14] and was a commercial success throughout its limited run, her performance drew criticism. New York Times' critic Ben Brantly described her as being fraught with "self-consciousness (especially in the first act) [and] only glancingly acquainted with the two characters she plays."[15] Brantley also criticized the production of "Greenberg's slender, elegant play," writing that "it's almost impossible to discern its artistic virtues from this wooden and splintered interpretation, directed by Joe Mantello."[15] Three Days of Rain received two Tony Award nominations in stage design categories. In 2009 Lancôme announced that Julia Roberts will become their global ambassador for their company.[16] Roberts starred with Clive Owen in the comedy-thriller Duplicity for which she received her seventh Golden Globe nomination. In 2010, she appeared in the ensemble romantic comedy Valentine's Day, with Bradley Cooper, and will star in the film adaptation of Eat Pray Love. Julia Roberts embraces Hinduism in August, 2010.
[edit] American Girl films
Roberts has brought to life some of the books from American Girl as films, serving as executive producer alongside her sister Lisa. The company's product lines and services are focused on pre-teen-girl characters from various periods of American history, embodied as dolls and featured in narratives including books and movies. Roberts has produced four movies.[17]
[edit] Personal life
[edit] Relationships
Roberts's personal life has often been in the spotlight. She has had widely reported romantic relationships with numerous famous men, including Liam Neeson, Dylan McDermott, Kiefer Sutherland, Lyle Lovett, Matthew Perry, and Benjamin Bratt. She was briefly engaged to McDermott, her Steel Magnolias co-star. She met Sutherland in 1990, when he was her co-star in Flatliners. In August 1990, Roberts and Sutherland announced their engagement, with an elaborate studio-planned wedding scheduled for June 14, 1991. Roberts broke the engagement three days before the wedding. Roberts subsequently went to Ireland with Jason Patric, a friend of Sutherland's. On June 27, 1993, she married country singer Lyle Lovett. The wedding took place at St. James Lutheran Church in Marion, Indiana, near where Lovett was appearing on tour with his band. In March 1995, the couple separated, and subsequently divorced.
In 1998, Roberts began dating Law & Order star Benjamin Bratt, and he was her escort for the March 25, 2001 Academy Awards ceremony at which she won her Oscar. Three months later, in June 2001, Roberts and Bratt announced that they were no longer a couple. "It's come to a kind and tenderhearted end," she said of their relationship.[18]
Roberts met her current husband, cameraman Daniel Moder, on the set of her movie The Mexican in 2000. At the time, Moder was married to Vera Steimberg Moder. He filed for divorce a little over a year later, and after it was finalized, he and Roberts wed on July 4, 2002, at her ranch in Taos, New Mexico.[19] On November 28, 2004, they became the parents of fraternal twins, daughter Hazel Patricia and son Phinnaeus "Finn" Walter. Their third child, son Henry Daniel Moder, was born on June 18, 2007, in Los Angeles.[20]
[edit] Beliefs
Roberts disclosed in an 2010 interview for Elle magazine that she is a practicing Hindu.[21][22][23]. Now, according to latest reports, she has converted to hinduism.
[edit] Charities
Roberts has given her time and resources to UNICEF as well as to other charitable organizations. On May 10, 1995, Roberts arrived in Port-au-Prince, as she said, "to educate myself".[24][25] The poverty she found was overwhelming. "My heart is just bursting", she said.[24] UNICEF officials hoped that her six-day visit would trigger an outburst of giving: $10 million in aid was sought at the time.[24][25]
In 2000, Roberts narrated Silent Angels, a documentary about Rett syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder, which was shot in Los Angeles, Baltimore and New York. The documentary was designed to help raise public awareness about the disease. In July 2006, Earth Biofuels announced Roberts as a spokeswoman for the company and as chair of the company's newly formed Advisory Board promoting the use of renewable fuels.
[edit] Filmography
Year![]() | Title![]() | Role![]() | Notes |
1987 | Crime Story | Tracy | Episode "The Survivor" (1.19) |
1988 | Miami Vice | Polly Wheeler | Season 4 episode 22: "Mirror Image" |
1988 | Baja Oklahoma | Candy Hutchins | TV |
1996 | Friends | Susie Moss | Episode "The One After the Superbowl: Part 2" (2.13) |
1999 | Law & Order | Katrina Ludlow | Episode "Empire" Nominated—Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress – Drama Series |
2003 | Freedom: A History Of Us | Virginia Eyewitness | 2 episodes: "What Is Freedom?" (1.07); "Yearning to Breathe Free" (1.10) |
2010 | Hope For Haiti Now | Herself | Telethon for Haiti earthquake relief |
[edit] References
- ^ a b "The 20 Richest Women In Entertainment". Forbes.com. 2007-01-17. http://www.forbes.com/2007/01/17/richest-women-entertainment-tech-media-cz_lg_richwomen07_0118womenstars_slide_9.html. Retrieved 2010-08-06.
- ^ "Julia Roberts: I'm a Hindu". The Daily Telegraph. 2010-Aug-05. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/film-news/7928961/Julia-Roberts-Im-a-Hindu.html.
- ^ "People Index". Box Office Mojo. 2010-02-05. http://boxofficemojo.com/people/?view=Actor&sort=sumgross&p=.htm. Retrieved 2010-08-04.
- ^ The power index[dead link]
- ^ Taylor, Clarke (1983-11-24). "ERIC ROBERTS: HIS 'STAR 80' SHINES". Los Angeles Times. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/latimes/access/671674182.html?dids=671674182:671674182&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:AI&type=historic&date=Nov+24%2C+1983&author=&pub=Los+Angeles+Times&desc=ERIC+ROBERTS%3A+HIS+'STAR+80'+SHINES&pqatl=google. Retrieved 2009-12-16.
- ^ "genealogy". Freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~battle/celeb/roberts.htm. Retrieved 2010-05-03.
- ^ Oh, Eunice (2010-08-04). "Why Julia Roberts refuses to get Botox". CNN International.
- ^ "JULIA ROBERTS – CORETTA SCOTT KING WAS JULIA ROBERTS' FAIRY GODMOTHER". Contact Music. 2006-02-10. http://www.contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed.nsf/story/coretta-scott-king-was-julia-roberts-fairy-godmother_10_02_2006. Retrieved 2009-12-16.
- ^ "Julia: Her Life", James Spada. St Martin's Press, New York. Page 32
- ^ "Julia Roberts." The New Georgia Encyclopedia.
- ^ "Campbell High School."[dead link]
- ^ "Stepmom (1998)". Rotten Tomatoes. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/stepmom/. Retrieved 2010-03-03.
- ^ "Insiders Angered By Roberts' Bias." WENN. March 28, 2002.
- ^ Gardner, Elysa (2006-04-13). "Roberts rains money on Broadway". USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/life/theater/news/2006-04-12-roberts-broadway_x.htm. Retrieved 2009-07-06.
- ^ a b Brantley, Ben (2006-04-20). "Enough Said About 'Three Days of Rain.' Let's Talk Julia Roberts!". The New York Times. http://theater2.nytimes.com/2006/04/20/theater/reviews/20rain.html. Retrieved 2009-07-06.
- ^ "Julia Roberts's Newest Role: Lancôme Spokesperson." People. December 4, 2009.
- ^ Julia Roberts at the Internet Movie Database
- ^ Silverman, Stephen M. "Julia Roberts Lays It on the Line." People. July 11, 2001.
- ^ Schneider, Karen (2002-07-11). "Hideaway Bride". People Magazine. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,628189_3,00.html. Retrieved 2007-12-18.
- ^ "Julia Roberts Welcomes a Baby Boy." People. June 18, 2007
- ^ Blake, Heidi (2010-08-05). "Julia Roberts: I'm a Hindu". Daily Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/film-news/7928961/Julia-Roberts-Im-a-Hindu.html.
- ^ http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hollywood/news-interviews/Julia-Roberts-takes-up-Hinduism/articleshow/6264705.cms
- ^ http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20407807,00.html
- ^ a b c "Educating Julia Roberts Brings a Touch of Useful Glamour to Haiti". People. 1995-05-29.
- ^ a b "UNICEF's Newest Goodwill Ambassador". Jet Magazine 88 (3): 12. 1995-05-29.
[edit] Further reading
- Mark Bego. Julia Rica's Sweetheart (New York: AMI Books, 2003)
- PaulDonnelley. Julia Roberts Confidential: The Unauthorised Biography (London: Virgin, 2003)
- Frank Sanello. Julia Roberts: Pretty Superstar (Edinburgh: Mainstream 2000)
- James Spada. Julia: Her Life (New York: St Martin's Press, 2004)
[edit] External links
![]() | Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Julia Roberts |
![]() | Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Julia Roberts |
- Julia Roberts at the Internet Movie Database
- Julia Roberts at the Internet Broadway Database
- Julia Roberts at TV.com
- Julia turned to Hinduism
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