From: Habib Yousafzai <>
Date: Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 12:10 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Khalistan will Survive without Seaport
To:,,, PakNationalists <>,, pakistanforum <>,,
Khalistan will Survive without Seaport
Habib Yousafzai
There are 45 countries that are landlocked. A landlocked country is one that is devoid of coastline. Landlocked status is critical for many nations because it prevents unfettered access to the open ocean which, in turn allows for trade with most of the countries in the world. Goods in a landlocked country, for example, must be transported through another country before they reach the ocean.
The status of being landlocked does not appear to be just a superficial aspect of a country. For example, the average gross domestic product (GDP) per capita for the world is approximately $15,000 US Dollars (USD). Of the world's landlocked countries, only a few, such as Switzerland and Austria, have higher GDPs per capita than this average. The average of all landlocked countries is only about $13,000 USD, but this average is skewed by the inclusion of countries like Lichtenstein, which has a per capita GDP of $118,000 USD.
Two countries in the world are double landlocked, which means that they are surrounded by other landlocked countries: Lichtenstein and Uzbekistan. The largest landlocked country is Kazakhstan. It is the ninth largest country in the world covering just over 1 million square miles (2.65 million square kilometers)
Africa includes a total of 15 landlocked countries; Europe has 15; and South America has 2; Asia has 13 including Khalistan. It is the 21st largest landlocked country covering an area of 58000 square miles (150300 square kilometers). The PUNJAB, made 'Landless Sikh Nation', the Religious and Historic Homeland of the Sikhs, by the devious 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian administration, headed by a staunch anti-Sikh Brahmin and his' joe boys' named JL Nehru alias Mobarak Ali or his servant on 15th August, 1947. The Sikhs' Holy and historic Homeland Punjab, i. e., PUNJAB. Punjab's areas were separated from it by the deceitful Indra Gandhi alias Maimuna Begum, in 1966; merely to dilute the strength of the Sikhs' Holy and Historic Homeland by one-third.
Assumption, that just because of lack of a seaport Khalistan will not survive is not only irrational, but is the idea of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' simpletons and utopians also. There are many third world countries that have sea ports such as Sri Lanka, and Brazil. Landlocked countries are helped by their neighboring countries that have seaports. In return these countries will get money and/or something else in exchange. There are numerous possibilities in business. Khalistan will have no problems for its trade with the rest of the world, but the 'Brahmins-Hindus'. The latter may form or will be given the choice to concentrate in their own land, to be known as the 'Brahminstan's (a country to be formed where 4% Brahmins and 11% Hindus). If they wish them, the 'Brahmins-Hindus', may very well 'strangulate' themselves, as none of today's non-Hindu minorities would like to deal with them. I don't think there is any country that does not want to do business and make profit, on equal basis, as far as their economic, social, political and cultural relationships are concerned. How exactly this would work depends on the future, circumstances and situations. The 'Brahmins-Hindus' have to come out from their 'bigotry', if they would like to survive.
Khalistan will survive without even a slightest problem, but it will not be a third world country because the Sikhs are very hard working people, as blessed by their Guru Sahibaans. Punjab is a cultivated land and it provides most of the food items to the needy ones, based on mutual trade relations. Khalistani government will keep all options open with their immediate neighbours and the rest of the world. Remember, no one in Khalistan will die of hunger or go to sleep hungry as one-third of the alleged Indian nation's have been doing until the writing this message. The 'Brahims-Hindus' of their future land called 'Brahminstan' should start thinking whether they have to live, starve or strangulate themselves, based on their deceitful nature, along with apartheid practicing profession.
Palash Biswas
Pl Read:
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