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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] HOW SOY CAN CAUSE AUTISM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Grannie <>
Date: Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 12:25 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] HOW SOY CAN CAUSE AUTISM
To: "1 Health_and_Healing@yahoogroups" <>, "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" <>, "1 Paranormal_Research@yahoogroup" <>
SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2010


It is against all FDA rules and regulations to intentionally expose fetus, infants, and children to the well-known toxicity caused by endocrine (hormone) disruptors. Soy plant-estrogens are repeatedly scientifically proven as active endocrine disruptors capable of causing abnormal body and brain hormone disruptions especially during developmental exposures.

"Soybean, genistein, daidzein" (soy estrogens) are included on the FDA "Poisonous Plant Database" while at the same time soy is increasingly marketed as safe and healthy, while proven as especially toxic to the most developmentally fragile fetus, infants, and children.

The National Institute of Health 2010 Brief on Soy Formula also confirms that "Infants fed soy infant formula have higher dietary intakes of genistein and other (estrogenic) isoflavones than other populations. Infants fed soy infant formula also have higher blood based levels of genistein and daidzein compared to other populations such as vegans and Asian populations consuming a traditional diet high in soy foods. Average blood levels of total genistein in the soy infant formula-fed infants were ~160 times higher than the mean levels of total genistein in omnivorous adults in the United States."

Surely, the American public deserves the right to know truthful facts about established FDA evidence of soy phyto-toxic estrogenic endocrine disruptors that are routinely placed into the mouths of infants and children, and are contaminating to fetus due to maternal soy consumption. Accumulative fetal, infant, and child soy phyto-toxic exposure carries the greatest risk of all. Also remaining unknown to the American public is that the FDA can not confirm that soy is developmentally healthy or safe while knowingly participating in the worst food scandal in history.

As previously stated the FDA confirms soy as a "poisonous plant," as well as FDA concluded as an "active estrogenic endocrine disruptor" of which are repeatedly scientifically established as highly toxic to multiple most fragile developmental body and brain hormone systems. Alarmingly, soy is increasingly marketed in countless foods and beverages that target infants and children, and are maternally contaminating to her fetus while appropriate soy-toxic WARNING labels are FDA neglected.

Parents are NOT allowed the chance to know that FDA determined soy phyto-poisonous estrogenic endocrine disruptors are proven as physiologically and neurologically damaging to a once healthy child. The truth is, there is no evidence describing which fetus, infant, or child "might" be able to survive soy phyto-toxic exposure. It can not be argued that the American public deserves the right to know about soy contamination of their children as equally known by those at the FDA.

The fact remains that American children are participating in an ongoing highly risky, undocumented, soy phyto-toxic estrogenic endocrine disruptor experiment without parental consent. It is past due that the American public are allowed the right to know the truth!

EVIDENCE OF SOY CAUSATION OF AUTISM: A multitude of scientific studies describe in-detail precisely how soy's estrogenic hormone disruptions damage the arrangement, connections, and functions of several neurotransmitter systems that are especially fragile during fetal, infant, and child brain development. Damage caused to neurotransmitter systems IS an established cause of AUTISM as well as several mental disorders. Soy phyto-estrogenic hormone disruptions are scientifically proven to cause neurotransmitter damaging effects also related to the causation of: mental retardation, cerebral palsy, seizures, stuttering, depression, ADD, ADHD, and more.

Soy is also proven to cause brain-damaging effects due to soy's "natural" phytic acid and heavy metal contents that destroys multiple essential minerals necessary for normal physiological and neurological development and growth.

Repeat evidence that soy damages the thyroid, causing hypothyroidism is proven to encourage immune-deficiency diseases as well as again....cause brain damaging effects.

Soy formulas contain high toxic levels of fructose corn syrup, up to an outrageous 55% of contents. Dr. Robert Lustig and countless studies report "fructose corn syrup is a poison" especially to developing body and brain. A second poison added to the soy phyto-poisonous estrogenic endocrine disruptors commonly fed to infants and children. That any child can mentally (or physically) survive these poisons has not been proven. The FDA remains mute.

In addition to what is already stated, scientific study evidence also concludes multiple soy phyto-toxic adverse brain effects that cause: damage to brain structures, neuronal atrophy, depress BDNF, depress calcium binding proteins, lose protection against neurodegenerative diseases, depress cortical neurons, impair hippocampal dentate gyrus, depress estrogen receptor containing neurons located in the hypothalamus, depress hippocampal neuron axonal outgrowth, damage ER receptor messengers, damage embryonic neurons and glial cells that support and protect neurons, and inhibits RET thus causing alterations in neurons necessary for the survival of neuron systems involved in brain cell development and functions.

Scientific studies also report that soy consumption contributes to the cause of adult dementia and Alzheimer's....again....increasing evidence of soy-toxicity to the more vulnerable developing brain cells.

Public Law 109-416 "Combating Autism Act" approved by Congress in 2006 requires FDA to responsibly disclose..... "Information and education on autism spectrum increase public awareness including pathology and developmental neurobiology...." This Act is FDA ignored.

Besides the above stated, additional toxicity during developmental soy exposure is caused by the soy inhibition of essential enzymes tyrosine kinase, trypsin, and topoisomerase II, of which can lead to the cause of disastrous physiological developmental adverse health effects to include: asthma, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney, liver, and pancreatic disease, diabetes, extensive reproductive damage, gender chaos, masculination of females, feminizing of males, hypothyroid disease,immune deficiency disease, leukemia, cancers, metastasis, and more.

There is also the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 to "protect the public health by ensuring safety of food……and improving the security of food from intentional contamination, and for other purposes." This Act is again FDA ignored.

According to the "Combating Autism Act" as well as "Food Safety Modernization Act," it is the law for prompt disclosure of existing scientific evidence proving soy phyto-toxic body and brain contamination of fetus, infants, and children as public information. With each day passing, and risking additional adverse developmental health, the FDA remains mute.

The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 reports that there are "penalties for violations of food safety laws." The FDA continues to violate food safety laws without penalty, without accountability.

You are now witness to the fact that there exists a multitude of study evidence confirming extensive and horrific developmental risks caused by soy-phyto-estrogenic endocrine disruptor toxicity. YOU can save the health and well-being of a child by taking a moment to voice your outrage through an email to the address below. DEMAND past due public notification of soy phyto-toxicity that is repeatedly proven to cause severe and painful physical and (irreversible) mental damage to fetus, infants, and children to suffer from for a lifetime....or premature death!

(HHS Director),
(FDA Commissioner)
(FDA Center for Food Safety)

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! People have the please forward this most important soy adverse health information to family and friends.

Gail Elbek
Posted by Gail at 11:37 PM

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