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Zia clarifies his timing of declaration of independence

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Jyothi Basu Is Dead

Unflinching Left firm on nuke deal

Jyoti Basu's Address on the Lok Sabha Elections 2009

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Jyoti Basu: The Pragmatist

Dr.BR Ambedkar

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While my Parents Pulin Babu and basanti Devi were living

"The Day India Burned"--A Documentary On Partition Part-1/9


Partition of India - refugees displaced by the partition

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Proletarian April/May issue now online

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Proletarian Editors <>
Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 6:52 PM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Proletarian April/May issue now online


Proletarian: April/May 2011 issue -



Analysis: Hands off Libya!
Under cover of supporting a 'people's revolution' and 'protecting civilians' in Libya, imperialist forces are attempting to grab the oil, destroy the political independence and wipe out the economic gains of the most advanced country in Africa.

Bahrain: Saudi mercenaries cannot stop the revolution
Foreign intervention in the Arab world is consistently on the side of counter-revolution.

Yemen: President Saleh shoots down his own people
Despite the high level of violence against unarmed demonstrators, the US puppet master has shown no sign of calling for Saleh to resign. Much less have resolutions been presented to the UN Security Council, or no-fly zones imposed.

DVD review: The Promise
Channel 4's recent drama broke new ground on mainstream TV by portraying some of the brutality that has characterised the state since its foundation and shattering its claims to be a democracy.



Editorial: Marching against the cuts is just the beginning
The material conditions exist for resistance, as does the will to oppose the cuts; all that is lacking is the necessary leadership.

Industry matters: How the TUC 'leads' the proletariat - by the nose
The decision of the TUC to invite Labour leader Ed Miliband to speak on the platform at the long-awaited day of protest on 26 March was a premeditated slap in the face for the working class and should be condemned by all who are serious about building an anti-cuts resistance movement worthy of the name.

Immigration: the colour of money
Harsh immigration rules are for the poor, not the rich. Our class must fight divide-and-rule.

Crisis is bringing Britain to its knees as an imperial power
How can British investments be safeguarded if the armed services are cut back? This is a question that is causing considerable consternation in ruling circles.

In defence of multiculturalism
Attacks on minority cultures are attacks on the whole working-class movement.

What is the PSC executive afraid of?
Far from making working people nervous, encouraging them to use their power to stop crimes against Palestinians might actually help them to get more militant in using their power against the current cuts in benefits, pensions, wages and public services.


:: WORLD ::

Capitalist system adds to misery of natural disaster in Japan
Japanese authorities refused to put in place adequate safety measures before the quake, and have consistently failed to prioritise the needs of the people during the aftermath.

Ireland's new anti-people government
Sinn Fein fights to complete national revolution as Irish Labour joins anti-working class coalition.

Wisconsin workers give class lead in USA
In the campaign to kill Walker's Bill, crowds of up to 25,000 surrounded the legislature in Madison, banging drums, bearing placards linking with the Egyptian revolution, pitching tents and unrolling sleeping bags for the long haul.

Ecuador: landmark victory over oil barons
Seventeen years after litigation was originally filed against the corporation, Chevron has been ordered to pay $9.5bn for environmental damage caused to the Amazon basin of Ecuador.

Seminar in Mexico reflects class struggle in Latin America
It was pointed out that it was not possible to maintain a broad united front against imperialism without concessions on both sides, with the depth of the concessions that the proletariat and oppressed people have to make being determined by the balance of forces.




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Palash Biswas
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