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Sunday, February 7, 2010

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Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Prime Minister's Office                 


New Delhi: February 7, 2010


The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, inaugurated the Chief Ministers' Conference on Internal Security in New Delhi today. In his address, the Prime Minister called for effective coordination between the Centre and the States to face the challenges of Internal Security. Following is the text of the Prime Minister's address on the occasion:

 "We have gathered here today to discuss issues relating to our internal security, an area that require utmost vigil, sustained and coordinated attention of both the Central and the State governments. We must periodically together review the systems that are in place for ensuring the safety and security of our country and our citizens, assess the threats that we face and take appropriate remedial action to deal with those threats. It is in this spirit that this Conference is being held. I compliment the Home Minister and his team for organizing it and for the good work that they have done in the last one year. I welcome and greet each one of you and I sincerely hope that the deliberations of this Conference will contribute substantively to the strengthening of our internal security.

All of you are aware of the major threats to our security. Hostile groups and elements operate from across the border to perpetrate terrorist acts in our country. The State of Jammu & Kashmir bears the brunt of the acts of these groups. There is insurgency and violence in the North-East. Many States are affected by Left–Wing extremism, which I have in the past referred to as the greatest threat to our internal security. There are also those trying to divide our society on communal and regional lines. Each one of these threats requires a strong effort, determination, hard work and continuous vigilance to tackle. These threats to our society, to our polity and our country constitute a challenge that we must and we shall meet effectively at all costs.

When we met last time in August 2009, I had mentioned the steps we had taken to improve our internal security environment between January and August. These included the setting up of four regional hubs of the National Security Guard at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Hyderabad and the setting up of the National Investigation Agency. Since then we have made further progress. The Multi Agency Centre (MAC) in the Intelligence Bureau now shares intelligence with other agencies, including those of the State Governments and Union Territories on a continuous and real time basis. Reciprocally, the other agencies are also obliged to share intelligence with the Multi Agency Centre. The Centre operates on a 24 hour basis and I expect that this arrangement for sharing and exchange of information and intelligence will greatly help us not only in apprehending those responsible for acts that vitiate our security environment but also in preventing such acts. I also understand that the Ministry of Home Affairs has initiated action to set up dedicated and secure online connectivity for exchange of real time intelligence and security related information between the Centre and the States. I would urge all Hon'ble Chief Ministers to benefit from these facilities and arrangements.

We have also made progress in some other areas. To enable quick movement of anti-terrorist forces, the Director General of the National Security Guard and certain other designated officers are now empowered to requisition aircraft. The Central Industrial Security Force Act has been amended so that the Force can provide security to establishments and undertakings in the joint and private sectors. The National Investigation Agency has started its work with cases for investigation and prosecution having been assigned to it. It is my expectation that the States would make the fullest possible use of this agency so that our fight against terrorism can be a forceful and united effort.

The terrorist strikes in Mumbai in November 2008 had made us painfully aware of the need to strengthen our coastal security. The National Committee on Coastal security under the chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary has been constituted to adopt an integrated approach to this very vital issue. The Committee has taken action to increase the level of patrolling and surveillance along the Indian coastline and bring about greater coordination between the various agencies that can contribute to security along our coasts. The issue of multi-purpose identity cards with biometric features to residents in coastal areas is expected to be completed by September 2010. The process of registration of boats and vessels has gathered momentum. Standard operating procedures have been finalized and communicated to the State Government. These and other steps being taken should help substantially in making our coastline safer and secure.

While we have made progress on different fronts, we are also aware that we have a lot more to achieve. I would like to take this opportunity to assure all of you present here that there will be no let up in our commitment and in our efforts. However, our success also depends in large measure on the response of the State Governments. While speaking to Chief Secretaries of States a few days back I had said that many issues in today's world require a response that is coordinated not only between the affected States but also between the Centre and the States. Internal security is certainly one such issue, and for that matter a critical issue which affects the pace of our growth and development.

Apart from coordinating efforts, there are certain specific steps which the States could take. I would like to take this opportunity to urge the Chief Ministers to create Special Intervention Units in their States to enhance the speed and decisiveness of the Quick Response Teams. The States may also like to develop specialized commando forces which could be deployed to act as a deterrent to terrorist acts. I would urge Chief Ministers to make full use of the scheme formulated by the Central Government to assist the Special Branches of States in strengthening their intelligence capabilities.

A very basic pre-requisite of any internal security system is an adequate number of policemen who are well trained. The problems of inadequate number of policemen and deficiency in training of the police personnel have been underlined time and again. Unfortunately there has not been adequate progress in these areas. The figures collected by the Ministry of Home Affairs show that at the end of September 2009, about three lakh ninety four thousand of the sanctioned posts in the State and Union Territory police forces were lying vacant. This constitutes a large proportion – about 20 percent - of the total sanctioned strength. I would urge State Chief Ministers to take expeditious action to fill these vacant posts. There is also a need to ensure good infrastructure for our police forces to be effective and efficient. At present for all States as a whole, around 80 percent of the police budget is used for salaries, allowances and pensions. The States should increase the proportion of the budget earmarked for police infrastructure and police training. I hope to see greater efforts from States and enhanced allocations in State budgets for recruitment and training of police personnel and for improving the infrastructural facilities available to our police forces. We should also think of special incentives for policemen, and indeed other government officials, posted in difficult areas.

During the course of this Conference, the internal security issues that we face will be discussed in detail. I will only touch upon a few of them. As far as Jammu & Kashmir is concerned, there has been a marked decline in the number of terrorist incidents from 2008 to 2009. But, infiltration levels have shown an increase. Recently there have been some incidents which are disturbing. In the North-East also, the number of incidents has gone down in 2009 as compared to 2008. The number of incidents related to Left-Wing extremism has however increased in the same period, as has the number of civilians and security personnel killed in these incidents. This is worrisome. The Left–Wing extremists continue to target vital installations and kill innocent civilians in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Orissa and West Bengal. The Centre and the States have to find ways and means of jointly fighting this menace. As I have said earlier, our response to Left–Wing extremism must be calibrated to avoid alienating our people, especially those in the tribal areas. It must also go hand in hand with social and economic development of areas affected by Left–Wing extremism, bringing them into the mainstream of national progress. Tribal communities in particular, should get full benefit of our development schemes and development programmes. This is only possible by improving service delivery in tribal dominated areas.

I would also like to make a mention of the menace of counterfeit currency notes. There are indications that Fake Indian Currency Notes are being printed and smuggled into India from outside our country. There is obviously a need for a coordinated approach by the Central and State agencies to tackle this menace; which has serious implications for our economy. In some instances of recovery of fake currency, especially by banks, there has been a reluctance to register the First Information Report. This has to be avoided and all such cases must be thoroughly investigated. The States could also designate a nodal agency to investigate cases of seizure or recovery of Fake Currency Notes and set up a state level committee for continuous vigilance in the matter, as has been suggested by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

We have a hard task ahead but one that can be and must be achieved with determination and coordinated action. As we deliberate upon the serious issues that constitute the agenda of this Conference, it will be in the spirit of strengthening each others' hands. We will only succeed if we are united as a nation in addressing the concerns related to our internal security. In conclusion, I wish you all the very best in your endeavours and hope that this conference will lead to a better understanding of internal security issues and will also result in more effective responses to the threats we face as a nation."


ad/lv/kt/dk/kol/15:34 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Home Affairs                             

PM Inaugurates Chief Ministers' Confrence on Internal Security


New Delhi: February 7, 2010


The Chief Ministers Conference on Internal Security got underway here this morning.  The Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh inaugurated the Conference.  In his speech, the Prime Minister said that there will be no let up in our commitment and efforts towards security.  He called for an effective coordination between the Centre and the States to face the challenge.  He further said that our success also depends in large measure on the response of the State Governments.  The Prime Minister urged the Chief Ministers to create Special Intervention Units in their States to enhance the speed and decisiveness to quicken the response teams.  Observing that about 20 per cent of the total sanctioned strength of police personnel in the State is lying vacant, he called upon the Chief Ministers to take expeditious action to fill these vacant posts.  Recalling the measures like setting up of four Regional Hubs of NSG and Multi-Agency Centre for strengthened security, Dr. Manmohan Singh urged the Chief Ministers to benefit from these arrangements.  (Full text of Prime Minster's speech is available on PIB website i.e.

The Union Minister for Home Affairs Shri P.Chidambaram in his opening remarks. He gave an overview of the security situation in the country and the progress made on various security related aspects.  Shri P.Chidambaram expressed the confidence that 2010 will witness further improvement in the situation in J&K and the North-Eastern States.  He emphasized the need for police reforms to strengthen the internal security apparatus.  Following is the text of the Home Minister's address:

"              I welcome the Prime Minister and all of you to the third Conference of Chief Ministers on Internal Security.  I am grateful to the Chief Ministers and other Heads of delegations and senior officers for their gracious presence.  This is the third conference of its kind held in the space of 13 months.  Never before have the Central Government and the State Governments worked so closely together – or interacted more frequently – on matters concerning internal security.  In a way, we are responding to the demands and expectations of the people of the country.  It is the right response. In fact, it is the only response that will be seen by the people to be right.

Let me begin with an overview of the security situation in the country.  It is a matter of satisfaction that there has been no significant terrorist attack in the last 14 months.  It is also a matter of satisfaction that there has been no significant communal incident during this period.  That, I hasten to add, does not mean that there has been no violence; or that we are not vulnerable to terrorist attacks; or that there are no triggers for communal disturbances.  We must remain vigilant.  We must continue the work on enhancing capacity.  And we must reform our institutions and systems of governance in order to pre-empt terrorist threats and prevent communal discord.

Last year, Jammu and Kashmir and the North Eastern States witnessed the lowest level of incidents and casualties in many years.  In Jammu and Kashmir, there were 499 incidents: 78 civilians and 64 members of the security forces were killed and 239 terrorists/militants were neutralised.  However, since the beginning of this year, there has been an increase in the number of attempts to infiltrate militants into India and in the number of encounters on our side of the border. So far, 16 militants have been killed and 16 more arrested.   I draw your attention to a meeting held a few days ago – on February 4 – at  Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir and attended by militant groups including Lashkar-e-Toiba and Hizbul Mujahideen.  It is clear that these groups are implacably opposed to India; their weapons are mayhem and violence; and their goal is forcible annexation of Kashmir.  Let me make it clear: these dark forces will not succeed in their designs.  We will defeat them whenever and wherever we confront them.

In 2009, the North Eastern States witnessed 1297 incidents: 264 civilians and 42 members of the security forces were killed and 571 militants/insurgents were neutralised.  Thanks to the cooperation extended by the Government of Bangladesh, many leaders of insurgent groups were forced to return to India and have either surrendered to or have been apprehended by our security forces.  Our determined effort to curb insurgency and violence has had a salutary effect and many insurgent groups have laid down arms and come forward to hold talks with the State Government concerned and the Central Government.

I am confident that 2010 will witness further improvement in the situation in Jammu and Kashmir and in the North Eastern States.

Naxalism, however, remains a grave threat.  You will recall that at the last Conference of Chief Ministers, I had announced that we would encourage State Governments to talk to the naxalites if they abjured violence. Our public offer was scoffed at and spurned by the CPI (Maoist). Hence, in consultation with the Chief Ministers of naxal affected States, we decided to boldly confront the challenge thrown by the CPI (Maoist).   Consequently, there was a rise in the number of deaths in 2009 amongst civilians (591), security forces (317) and militants (217).  As the security forces move forward to reclaim areas that are now dominated by the naxalites, it is possible that this trend will continue in 2010 too.  However, I am confident that the State Governments concerned will gradually gain the upper hand and re-establish the authority of the civil administration.  I would urge the State Governments to ensure that re-establishment of the civil administration is quickly followed by implementation of development and welfare schemes.

In order to prepare for this Conference we had circulated a questionnaire to the States.  The questionnaire sought information under 15 heads.  All 35 States/UTs have sent their responses, although there are some gaps in the information that I hope will be filled in due course.  This is a development of great significance.  For the first time, we have a baseline on the capacity of the States and the measures that are being taken to meet the challenges to internal security.  I would appeal to the Chief Ministers to join us in such an exercise every year so that we may be able to measure the progress during the year over the baseline.  This exercise would also help the Central Government in allocating resources to the States based on the twin criteria of need and achievement.

Ladies and Gentlemen: Allow me to take a few minutes to summarise the responses of the State Governments to the questionnaire. Manpower remains an acute problem.  As on 1.1.2009 the total number of police personnel actually in place in all States/UTs was 14,70,837.  It increased to 15,04,153 by 30.9.2009 and is projected to increase to 15,81,439 by 31.3.2010.  Thus, about 1,10,000 police personnel have been or will be recruited in a period of 15 months that signals a positive response to the trauma of 26/11.  However, the flipside is the humongous vacancies in the sanctioned posts.  As on 1.1.2009 there were 1,53,428 vacancies.  It is expected to decline to 1,38,559 on 31.3.2010.  In addition, there is Uttar Pradesh where there is a peculiar situation.  In December 2008, Uttar Pradesh had sanctioned 2,04,021 new posts and I am informed that the process of recruitment is underway.  The vacancy position reflects a very unsatisfactory state of affairs.  There is no reason why States should not press the accelerator on recruitment and fill the vacancies.  In July 2009, we had commended to the States a new, transparent, technology-driven procedure for recruitment.  Only a few States have adopted or indicated willingness to adopt the new procedure.

I think the real problem behind tardy recruitment is the failure to provide adequate funds under the head 'Police'.  The total budgetary support by all States/UTs for Police in 2008-09 RE was Rs.36,434 crore and this increased to Rs.44,354 crore in 2009-10 BE, marking an increase of 21.7 per cent.  About 75-80 per cent of this amount goes to pay salaries, leaving very little for training, weapons and modernisation.  As a proportion of the total budgeted expenditure of all States/UTs in 2009-10, the allocation to police is a meagre 4.3 per cent.  In my view, the subject 'Police' does not receive the kind of budgetary support that is required to make the police force in the State a strong and effective instrument of security.  I would urge Chief Ministers to recognise the priority that must be accorded to security and ensure that in the State Budget for 2010-11 larger allocations are made for 'Police'.

The visible symbol of security in a State is the police station.  Between 1.1.2009 and 30.9.2009 only 139 rural police stations and 34 urban police stations were added.  A further 282 rural police stations and 44 urban police stations are expected to be added by 31.3.2010.  While this is slow progress, the average number of personnel sanctioned for a police station is unsatisfactory.  The sanctioned average for all States/UTs is about 52 per police station.  In rural police stations, the number varies from 12 in Madhya Pradesh and 13 in Orissa to 50 in Maharashtra, 51 in Gujarat, 54 in Punjab and 89 in Uttar Pradesh.  However, this is only the sanctioned average. Adjusted for the number of vacancies, the actual strength is much lower.  The picture is not very different in urban police stations and the number varies from 21 in Orissa and 27 in Jharkhand to 117 in Maharashtra and 180 in Delhi.

It is universally acknowledged that in matters concerning security there is no substitute for 'putting more men and women on the street'.  That is why I urge you to quicken the pace of recruitment to the police force in your State.  But even as you add more personnel, some of them must be dedicated to specialised functions such as Intelligence, Anti Terrorist Unit, Quick Response Teams, Industrial Security Force and Coastal Security.   Based on the responses to the questionnaire, I find that only 9 States/UTs have a separate cadre for intelligence and only 16 States/UTs have accepted the scheme suggested by the Intelligence Bureau to restructure the State Special Branch.  While nearly all States have set up QRTs, 6 States have not yet set up an Anti-Terrorist Unit.

Police reforms in the States also tell a story of slow progress.  Not all States have complied with the directions of the Supreme Court in Prakash Singh and others vs. Union of India.  22 States have not yet enacted a new Police Act; 19 States have not yet set up a Police Complaints Authority; and 24 States have not yet established a State Security Commission.  Besides, most States have not yet segregated the 'law and order' and 'investigation' functions.


Hon'ble Chief Ministers:  These matters deserve your urgent attention.


Ladies and Gentlemen: you will recall that at the conclusion of the last Conference in August, 2009 I had listed a number of items which you had desired should be examined and acted upon.  I am happy to report the action taken by the Central Government in that behalf.


·         The Multi Agency Centre  has  already established  connectivity with the S-MAC in the State capitals and the Special Branch of the State.  By 30.4.2010, new hardware will be installed in the S-MACs and the Special Branch Control Rooms and seamless, secure, round-the-clock connectivity will be established.

·         We propose to continue the Modernisation of Police Force Scheme.  In-principle approval has been given for 2010-11 and, after receiving the report of the study commissioned by the BPR&D, we propose to formulate the second phase of the scheme to begin in the year 2011-12.

·         Megacity policing is high on the agenda.  We are examining a scheme that will cover the 7 metropolitan cities and some other cities.  A DPR for the 7 metropolitan cities at an estimated cost of Rs.600 crore is under preparation.

·         We have already circulated a revised surrender-cum-rehabilitation scheme for militants in the North Eastern States as well as in the naxal-affected States.  Stipend for surrendered cadres has been enhanced.

·         Rs.10.50 crore has been released to establish 7 counter insurgency and anti-terrorism schools in 5 States.  Of these, the school in Orissa has started a 13-week training course for the first batch.  The school in Bihar will start the training from 1.3.2010.  The other schools are likely to do so by 31.3.2010.  Besides, in 2009, BPR&D conducted 48 courses for 3100 State officers and the Army trained 5900 State personnel.  The Intelligence Bureau trained 936 officers of the States.  Apart from the IB Central Training School, IB has set up two Regional Training Centres at Kolkata and Tiruvananthapuram.  A Central Academy for Police Training will come up in Bhopal and is expected to be functional in 2011-12.

·         We are strengthening security along the India-Nepal border.  SSB is raising 32 new battalions and work on the ICP at Raxaul will begin in April, 2010.

·         Under the Coastal Security scheme, 64 out of 73 coastal police stations that were sanctioned are operational.  Construction of new buildings is lagging behind in some States.  78 out of 204 interceptor boats have been delivered so far and the remaining will be delivered by October 2010.  Phase II of the Coastal Security scheme has been finalised.  We propose to fund 131 police stations and 180 boats in the second phase.

·         We have, to the extent possible, accommodated your requests for procurement of weapons in the on-going procurement of CPMFs.  These include 1,119 pistols, 400 assault rifles, 7,250 AK 47 rifles and 277 sniper rifles.  We shall continue to accommodate your requests in future procurements too.


Ladies and Gentlemen, you would have noticed that the content of my opening statement has changed from goal-setting in January, 2009 to policy statements and division of responsibilities in August, 2009 to stock-taking and presenting a progress report today.  Strengthening the security system requires more than a vision.  It requires more than a plan. It requires hard work.  Actually, it requires sustained hard work and eternal vigilance.  The Constitution has assigned to the States the legislative and executive powers in respect of 'public order' and 'police'.  The same Constitution has assigned to the Central Government the duty 'to protect every State against external aggression and internal disturbance'.  We are, therefore, bound by the Constitution to work together.  On behalf of the Government of India, I offer to work with you in a spirit of partnership, and I am sure you will reciprocate my offer.  I look forward to listening to your views on the vital subject of internal security.

I welcome you once again to this Conference and I shall now request the Hon'ble Prime Minister to inaugurate the Conference. "


ok/rs/ks/dk/kol/15:35 hrs.

Palash Biswas
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