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Monday, February 1, 2010

BAMCEF becomes mass agitation front to save India from Brahmin-zionist rule

Vol. 29 Feb 1st - 15th, 2010

No. 3



  • WORLD LEADERSHIP WILL GO TO CHINA & MUSLIMS : Iranian bomb will tackle 2 world famous tyrants: Zionism & Brahminism

  • Miracles of the bomb
  • No peace in Pakistan until Zardari is kicked out
  • Rulers use Hinduism pill to make slaves forget right to education
  • AP warning : Hindutva heroes will have to commit suicide
  • Fall of Medha Patkar : greeted with rotten eggs & tomatoes
  • "Socialist" George Fenrnades worth Rs. 350 crores
  • War on "terrorism" cannot defeat Muslims
  • Founders of racism complain of racism in Australia

  • BAMCEF becomes mass agitation front to save India from Brahmin-zionist rule
  • I.T. HEROES WARNED : Money-driven society will create only robots
  • Mad house that is India

Participate : Caste in IT :: SURVEY


BAMCEF becomes mass agitation front to save India from Brahmin-zionist rule


The 26th national conference of BAMCEF and Rashtriya Mulnivasi Sangh was held at Dina Bhana Nagar, Vidyadhar Stadium, Jaipur (Dec.26,2009). In 1999, BAMCEF chalked out a 10-point programme for the next 10 years and with this conference the desired programme was successfully concluded.

This historic conference had many important happenings. Despite the extreme cold climate, over 60,000 delegates from 29 states attended the conference. Delegates from over 3,000 castes, Muslims, Christians, Budhists and Sikhs took active part. International delegates from Australia, Nepal, Canada and Middle East were present. The programme appeared like a 5-day parliament session of the aboriginal people of this country, the Mulnivasis. BAMCEF national president, Waman Meshram, who presided said BAMCEF had completed 10 years and was now entering the next crucial stage of social change.


Henceforth, 70% of the organizational activities will concentrate on mass agitation to achieve total liberation from the Zionist-Brahminical rule and only 30% of its activities will be devoted to conference and meetings.

Eminent personalities from across the country like Sittal Markam (Tri-Iblis writer), Palas Biswas, Hari Narke, Gemini Kadu, Dr. Swami Rameshwaranand, Dr. Gopal Gurang (Nepal), Prof. Pradeep Aglawe, S.S. Yadav, Rajaram Mil, Virendran Singh Ravana, Adv. Gajiauddin, Riyalu Mussa, Mufti Mohamed Yusuf, Vinod Bihari Mandal, Dr. Swaminathan, Mariswamy, Durgadas Goankar etc. spoke. All of them were unanimous that we can get our freedom from the clutches of the Arya Brahmins only through a nation-wide mass agitation. The following subjects were discussed:


(1) Those who oppose racial discrimination in Australia practice, commit and perpetrate a more violent form of racial discrimination inside India.

(2) Caste system violates human rights (UN resolution).


(3) The govt.'s plan to issue a Unique Identification Number to every citizen of India has greatly increased the danger that the Bangladeshi refugees will be betrayed again through a conspiracy.

(4) Rahul Gandhi's act of sleeping in the huts of poor Dalits and the Congress Govt. past history and present conspiracies of betraying the Dalits and denying them their just and constitutional rights is a proof of their real two-faced character.

(5) The HDI report which gives India a rank of 134 out of 182 countries in the world is glaring proof of the incapability, inefficiency and incompetence of the ruling upper castes who beat drum in the name of their "merit".

(6) Judiciary's overall attitude towards the issue of Ambedkar Park that is being developed in Uttar Pradesh is a living proof that the judiciary is suffering from caste bias and Brahminical prejudice.

(7) The ruling castes have killed the democratic and republican system of India by establishing dynastic rule in India.

(8) Are the ruling castes using the judiciary to secure their own political ends?

(9) It is possible to solve the problem of reservation not through the system of creamy layer but by social categorisation.

(10) Division of SC/ST Commission is a Brahminical conspiracy.

(11) The opposition to separate caste-based OBC census is a Brahmin conspiracy to establish a Hindu majority country by using the OBC for their political ends. This issue is also related to the Brahminical strategy to keep the OBC as slaves by imposing the Hindu identity on them.

(12) The Government has still not accepted the recommendations of the Renke Commission constituted for the study of the educational, social and economic situation of the NT, DNT and VJNT is a criminal betrayal of these people.


(13) Refusal to implement the recommendations of the Sachar Committee after the conclusion of the 2009 general elections is nothing but betrayal of the Muslims by the ruling upper castes.

(14) The UN report blames India for its failure to solve the problem of starvation in India.

(15) To enact the forest rights act but not enforce/implement it is an issue of betrayal of the Adivasis by the ruling castes.

(16) Why was India partitioned?

(17) The declaration by the home ministry to use the Air Force and Army to crush the naxalite movement foretells of an impending internal civil war.

The conference ended with a note that the statue of the sadistic Manu in the premises of the Jaipur High Court will make our fight against the Brahminical aggression more result-oriented and we all are waiting for the day when this Manu statue will be blown to pieces after we attain our real freedom — the freedom of 100 crore of Mulnivasis.


Money-driven society will create only robots


In a recent conversation I had with V.T. Rajshekar, the Editor of Dalit Voice, he lamented the lack of interest, on the part of Indian students, media, and even the larger society, in the humanities and social science disciplines that deal with human beings, their ideas, values, and their social worlds.

My first response was "yes, but…" No doubt, in recent times, the humanities and social sciences have been downplayed to give way to the more applied/practical, and some might say "money-making" disciplines and enterprises. Medicine and Engineering, the conventional career choices, have always been the professions of choice for many Indians I know.


And in recent years, the growth in jobs in the Information Technology (IT) sector has fueled interest in employment in that very practical and applied field. In IT jobs, knowledge is often applied, and in that sense the work is concrete and practical. Besides, these professions pay quite well.

Don't get me wrong. A well-paying job is very important. And, medicine, engineering, and IT jobs are quite lucrative. These jobs are also very necessary for society. The professional schools offer the much needed hands-on-training in the applied crafts. But, are we turning out to be a bunch of "Technocrats"? How about abstract ideas, critical thinking, problem-solving aptitude? What about the ability to wrestle with the difficult social issues of the day, with the intangible world of ideas and values, to appreciate literature, to write and communicate effectively, to teach, and to be of service to others?


We need practitioners but also people who are comfortable with abstract ideas, with ambiguity, with the creative process, with focusing on issues of justice. For if there are no new ideas, no abstract concepts and no theoretical knowledge, what will we apply?

If the current economic recession is any indicator, focus on only the practice without concern for ideas and for other human beings can have brutal consequences.

Fortunately, I believe this is a cyclical process. Interests rise and interests wane, reflecting larger societal movements. For example, sociology in the US (my specialization) was quite popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s when the country was experiencing massive social movements like the civil rights movements. However, in the 1980s, Sociology academic departments saw a decline in enrollments. Parents would often ask faculty "why should my child major in Sociology or for that matter in History or English literature? What will they do with these degrees? Will they be able to find jobs when they graduate? Do these fields pay well? How will they survive?"


It is only recently that my academic department and others have seen a resurgence in the interest in Sociology, in other social sciences, and in the humanities fields. In fact, students are going further than the previous generations. They are combining their interest in the practical crafts with more abstract fields like sociology, anthropology, history, and literature. They are double and triple specializing.

Thus, while there is a growing interest in the abstract fields, the youth are also being quite practical. And this time they are doing it with a difference. They are combining both. They are not simply returning to the old ways, but are finding interesting new combinations with a healthy balance. Now, isn't that progress? That gives me hope for the future.


Mad house that is India


In India, hypocrisy masquerades as culture and religion and is celebrated. The rich and the famous in India have mortgaged their brains to their astrologers/purohits/pandits/bhat-jies who have assured them wealth, pleasure and also a place in the heaven (vaikunta) — of course upon performing the necessary rituals/pujas to a score of deities while the first group, the vast majority, live by the nihilistic religiosity and impoverished conditions. Historian Arnold Toynbee said "the master activity in Indic civilisation was religious ministry", whereas in Chinese civilisation, there had been a fusion of Confucianism, Tao, Budhism and communism with the concepts of governance. Go into the period of history at the end of the Gupta dynasty and find the causes for the shaping of the present Indian mindset.

Read a few Brahminical works, probably of the 3rd and 2nd century BC which actually laid the foundation for the present poisonous cocktail of religion and politics and the mess of quota politics. Those are Vedanta Darshan (Uttar Mimamsa), Agamaas and 18 Puranas. Khushwant Singh, had some two decades back wrote in the Illustrated Weekly that India needed a new religion.



Miracles of the bomb


Iran has trounced the zionist stooges inside Iran. They have finally surrendered because of the tremendous mass upsurge in support of the revolutionary rulers led by Ayatollah Ali Khomenei. Mousavi, the zionist candidate crushed in the recent presidential election, has withdrawn his charge that president Ahmedinejad's election was illegal.

Israel killed a nuclear scientist on Jan.12 in Tehran. Doesn't matter. It must now step up its bomb-making efforts to establish peace in the world by punishing zionist Israel. It must demand dismissal of the zionist stooge, Hillary Clinton, from the Obama cabinet to help give a free hand to Obama to tackle the zionist menace inside and outside USA.

Reports say zionist Israel has virtually accepted defeat on Iran, the USA will be considerably weakened and militant Islam will get a big boost. See the miracle of the Iranian bomb.

No peace in Pakistan until Zardari is kicked out


Bangalore: Asif Zardari, Preident of Pakistan, loved by India's Brahminist rulers, is coming to the end of his short but tragic career. His flirtations with Zionism and Brahminism helped him to become the President, despite all his past crimes including the charge of murdering his own wife, Benazir Bhutto.

The daily "terrorist" attacks on Pakistan simply rattled the Pakistanis and the army. How could the Islamic Taliban attack Islamic Pakistan?

Break-up of Pakistan: Sources in Pakistan asserted the daily "terrorist" attacks were not by the Afghan Taliban, with which they were friendly, but by some paid elements within Pakistan itself acting at the behest of Zionist and Brahminist forces with the secret blessings of Zardari.

The people of Pakistan and the Army in particular have spotted the mischief-makers whose handlers will automatically vanish once Zardari is out. His days are numbered.

India's Brahminical media was loudly and joyfully announcing the impending break-up of Pakistan. Hate-mongering Brahminists get great pleasure when the enemy is in pain. Butt his euphoria will be short-lived as their favourite Zardari is facing arrest. Both the army and the judiciary are bent upon finishing him.

There will be no peace in Pakistan until the renegate is kicked out.

Hillary mischief: Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State who is close to Zionist elements, played her role in protecting Zardari and even awarding a 7.5 billion dollar assistance to Pakistan. This infuriated the army which in Pakistan has been always independent.That is why the people of Pakistan have great faith in their army.

Meanwhile, both the American-sponsored Afghan's corrupt President, Hamid Karzai, and the 30,000 extra troops which President Obama rushed are losing. No power on earth has been so far able to rule Afghanistan.

What right Obama has to "control" Afghanistan? In Iraq, the US Govt. was defeated. In Afghanistan too. Obama is under test on Iran. If there also he fails, he will meet the fate of George W. Bush. (DV Jan.1, 2010, p.22: "Obama disappoints DV").

Rulers use Hinduism pill to make slaves forget right to education


Bangalore: How the less than15% Brahminical ruling class has completely forgotten the rest of the 85% slaves of India will be clear from yet another evidence given by the rulers themselves:

New Delhi: The Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act was billed to be a giant leap towards universalization of education in India. However, it has acquired the dubious distinction of being the only fundamental right that exists just on paper. More than 7 years after the Constitution was amended to make free and compulsory education to children in the 6-14 age group a fundamental right and over 4 months after the historic Right to Education Bill was passed in Parliament, both pieces of legislation are yet to be notified. Without notification — a mandatory step in that gives the exact date from when the law comes into force — the right to free and compulsory education remains just a goal.

(Times, Jan.6, 2010).

Even if the Bill is notified and becomes an Act, the rulers will not enforce the Act. That is how India has become the world's largest country of illiteraters. But why blame the rulers? The slaves of India are not getting angry.

The reason: They have been all drugged, doped and put to eternal sleep by a magic pill called Hinduism. Jai Ho.

AP warning : Hindutva heroes will have to commit suicide


Bangalore: Dalit Voice stand on Telengana was made clear in our Jan.1, 2010 report: "DV supports Telengana & all small states". The current turmoil in the whole of AP proves that the "nationality question" will break "Hindu India" into pieces and the Hindutva heroes will have to commit suicide. All their trillion dollar investment on hoisting their Bharat Mata on the unwilling non-Hindu, if not anti-Hindu, SC/ST/BCs (65%) and Muslim/Christian, Sikhs(20%) has become a waste.


The boiling anger in AP led by the Telengana youth has sounded the bugle.

Ms. R. Akhileswari, the Deccan Herald correspondent in Hyderabad, says the current the Telengana upsurge is as historic on the lines of Telengana armed struggle of the 1940s, led by the communists who in turn were led by the Brahmins, Reddis, Khammas and Velamas — all upper caste exploiters. Will the current Telengana upsurge will be ultimately hijacked by the same forces? This is our fear.


The revolutionary Dalit leader, Gaddar, must therefore plunge straight into the current agitation and take over its leadership. Such a step will also help him get liberation from the clutches of the Brahmin-Reddy-Khamma stranglehold on the Maoist Party which is using him as their errand boy. Gaddar leadership will automatically keep the upper castes out.


Meanwhile, the Muslims of Hyderabad City, which has 40% of its population, are deeply worried that the agitation for Telengana of which Hyderabad is part, may strengthen Hindu terrorist forces. TRS chief Chandrasekhar Rao, a Velama, is a staunch Hindu nazi. Majlise-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) has five MLAs and one Lok Sabha member from Hyderabad.

Hyderabad City was the capital of Nizam's Hyderabad state and everything in Hyderabad has the smell, taste, feel and sound of Muslim.

Already the influx of upper castes from Andhra and Rayalaseema regions has pushed the powerful Hyderabad Muslims — once its ruling class — to poverty and into its old city converted into a big slum.


So the Muslims have every right to secure their share which they feel can be assured if the city is made into a union territory like Chandigarh.

The total chaos and the breakdown of all political partes in the whole of AP proves the frequent DV warnings that India is not a "nation" but a country of hundreds of nationalities — each craving for nationhood.

(For details read our book, Caste — A Nation Within the Nation, Books for Change, Rs. 140. Copies available with DV office.)

Fall of Medha Patkar : greeted with rotten eggs & tomatoes


Bangalore: Medha Patkar, the Marathi Brahmin woman, going round the country nicely fooling the SC/ST/BCs for over two decades finally got rotten eggs and tomato reception from the very victims of her life long mission.

At Dantewada in Chhattisgarh on Jan.7, the Adivasis gave her and her Brahmin colleague a fitting reception after they were convinced of her gandhian gimmicks (Times, Jan.7, 2009).

DV was the first in India to expose her multi-million dollar stunts to fool the tribals of Gujarat and MP in the name of Narmada dam. Since her job of fooling the poor, illiterate tribals and Dalits has been fully accomplished and she got the name, fame, fund and an international award, she is now exploring new pastures.

Brahminical media boosted her sky-high and fooled the entire masses of the India. Did not M.K. Gandhi do the same stunts?

When the same media tore Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar to pieces, why it went gaga over Medha? Think, you will get the answer.

But DV was the only paper which spoke the truth and called her bluffs. We have proved right.

You can fool the oppressed, innocent people of India for sometime — but not all the times. Please verify from the following DV reports on Medha.

DV May 1, 2006 p.13: "Medha Patkar's is urban upper caste movement — but not of Adivasis", "NBA - India's biggest drama company" & "NBA will harm Adivasis".

DV Edit Nov.16, 2000: "Supreme Court upholds DV verdict on Medha: What is wrong in fooling those willing to be fooled".

DV Feb.1, 2000 p. 7: "What made DV suspect Medha's motives behind Narmada Natak".

DV Edit Sept.1, 1999: "Savarna fascists embrace once hated Arundhati: Socialist Brahmin natak company gets new life"

DV May 1, 1998 p.8: "Medha Patkar completes her mission: DV proves right on Narmada".

"Socialist" George Fenrnades worth Rs. 350 crores


Bangalore: Within a month of DV story, "George Fernandes: Advance obituary of a bogus socialist" (DV Dec.16, 2009, p.18), comes the Deccan Herald (Jan.10, 2010) report that this "great socialist", the dearest darling of the Hindu rulers, is worth crores of rupees.

Two women are fighting for his fortune: wife Leila Kabir, a Muslim, daughter of Prof. Humayun Kabir, and a Kerala Nair, Jaya Jetly, divorced wife of a Punabi Brahmin, who was hanging on to the Mangalorean Roman Catholic, now lying virtually dead in his massive New Delhi official bungalow.

His moveable assets alone, including bank deposits and shares, total Rs. 71 crores. Immovable properties: Rs. 250 crores. Plus properties at Hubli and a posh bungalow in Hauz Khas, New Delhi, says the report. Wife Leila and son Sean in US have descended on his Delhi house to protect the properties, according to the DH report. M.K. Gandhi, paraded by the Brahminical people as "India's trusted friend of the Harijans", died leaving thousands of crores of rupees in two trusts. Another dying (or dead) Bengali Babu super marxist is worth much more.

War on "terrorism" cannot defeat Muslims


Bangalore: The latest "terrorist" attacks on Western interests and US in particular must make it clear that Muslims cannot be cowed down by the war on Islam. The fellow who called it "Clash of civilisations" is dead (Huntington), George W. Bush who launched this "clash" was booted out. The US Govt. was defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan also. But Obama, despite all his promises to Muslims, is carrying on the war against Islam. The world's most dangerous terrorists are the zionists and the "Jews of India", destabilising the world. Obama must change the course of his war.DV Jan.1, 2010 p.22: "Obama disappoints DV".

Founders of racism complain of racism in Australia


Bangalore: Very interesting news has been coming from the once "Whites only" racist Australia. The news is about India's upper castes (Hindus), founding fathers of racism, accusing the White Australians of racism. The pot calling the kettle black?

Over 20% of India's Untouchables, the country's single largest population, is kicked, killed, burnt and their women raped and pushed into prostitution by Hindu rulers. This is the established fact admitted in the very constitution of India. Even after 62 years of so-called "independence", the Untouchables continue to be the wretched of the earth. (Read our book, Dalit — The Black Untouchables of India, Clarity Press, USA, copies available with DV, Rs. 150).

Chief Justice on Hindu racism: Australia had never allowed entry to non-Whites. Only a couple of years back it lifted the ban and the Hindu racists rushed there in droves in their love for White skin. Over 95% of those Indians are Hindu and practice racism at home. What right the racists have to complain of racism?

Chief Justice of India K.G. Balakrishnan, himself a Dalit, has said racism is rampant in Hindu India. He said racist prejudices are very strong and Untouchables are facing serious problems (Times, Jan. 11, 2010). What better certificate is needed to brand India as a racist state?



Iranian bomb will tackle 2 world famous tyrants: Zionism & Brahminism

The much-publicised "turmoil in Iran" is an exaggerated version of the zionist Israel's fear of Iranian bomb (DV Jan.1, 2010 p.27: "Iran becomes nuclear power"). White Western Christian rulers, virtually prisoners in the vast zionist jail, are frantically begging and also threatening Iran to stop making the bomb at the instance of their masters. But Iran has rightly rejected all these threats and going ahead with the full support of not only China, the emerging world super power, Russia, the entire Muslims and all the peace-loving peoples of the world.

In other words the whole world is with Iran in its mission to bring peace in Palestine, liberating it from the zionist octopus. Such a mission will bring peace not only in Middle East but pull the curtain on the zionist-sponsored New World Order.

Global earthquake: In other words, the surge of Iran will be the beginning of the end of the zionist hegemony over the world and also the beginning of the rise of Asia.

What is of special interest to India is that such a global political earthquake will also signal the beginning of the fall of the centuries-old Brahminical barbarian rule.

Such a collapse of the satanic serfdom will be welcomed by all the neighbours of India, particularly Pakistan, suffering from the scourge of Brahminism.

Satanic cousins: That is why the developments in Iran are of great interest not only to the Muslims but also to the entire world caught in the jaws of two satanic cousins — zionism and Brahminism.

We have the highest hopes in Iran which so far has been proceeding cautiously and yet firmly in the right direction.

How do we say that Iran is on the right track? The test is the Law of Contradictions which says if your words and actions are hated by the enemy you are right. If the enemy praises the same you are wrong. When the enemy (zionists and Brahminists) is spitting fire against Iran, it means it is right.

Setback to zionists: That the zionist enemy has suffered its first setback is evident from the Iranian opposition leader Mousavi writing a letter of surrender to the Iranian supreme leader Ayotallah Ali Khomenei (Hindu, Jan.2, 2010). The letter is an admission that the anti-Iranian subversion is facing defeat. Yet the Iranian leadership should be cautious because the history has told us that the zionists can never be trusted. Sometimes the enemy stoops to conquer.

Corrupt urban elite: The recent developments in Iran prove our fears that the Iranian urban elite Muslims, particularly the Western educated lot, have been too much brain-washed and are going away from Islamic way of life. They may be a micro-minority but their hold on the urban life — particularly the youth — and their close contacts with Western media have all worked against all that revolutionary Iran stood for. This needs to be cleansed — urgently. This can be partly achieved by re-orienting the Iranian education system and weeding out corrupting elements in the system.

The mischievous elements in Iran are only a handful but they get lavish zionist funding and international publicity. This is also the case with China with the renegade Dalai Lama and some other mischievous elements getting publicity in the name of human rights. So also in the case of India where its entire upper castes (15%) are pro-West and pro-zionist. As they are the rulers and own the media, the rest of the 85% natives are impoverished and enslaved.

Liberation of America: Iran had its first revolution under Ayatollah Khomenei but this was confined to the country. But the second revolution which the nuclear-powered Iran is now inaugurating will have the international sweep as it is going to affect the whole Muslim world suffering under the zionist manufactured "terrorism" trauma.

Two world famous tyrants: Once the zionist Israel is silenced and Palestinians are restored their rightful land, "terrorism" will automatically disappear.

Not only that. Even the White Christian rulers of America can breath free as the zionist octopus will be seriously wounded once the zionist Israel disappears from the world map.

Liberation of Black Africa: The second Iranian revolution is also expected to kill the two world famous tyrants — Zionism and Brahminism. Plus shift the leadership of the world from West to East under China. It is also expected to liberate the Black continent of Africa.

More than anything else it is also expected to put an end to the Christian leadership of the world which will pass into the hands of China and Muslims. Islam itself will get new vigour and vitality restoring it to its original glory. We may be criticised for all sorts of wild imagination and exaggeration, but we want to assure that not a single of our prediction in the last 30 years of Dalit Voice has gone wrong. All these can be verified from our website. This is the price one has to pay for being too fast and well ahead of others being the leaders of thought.

DV Jan.1, 2010 p.27: "Iran becomes nuclear power?"

DV Sept.1, 2009 p.12: "Iran Must curb its pro-Western urban youth".

DV June 1, 2009 p.19: "Iranians love Ahmedinejad".

DV May 1, 2009 p.22: "Ahmedinejad may be re-elected Iranian President".

DV March 16, 2009 p.12: "Iran goes nuclear?"

DV March 1, 2008 p. 11: "Iran's Islamic bomb will revive sagging morale of world Muslims".

DV Nov.1, 2007 p.24: "Ahmadinejad's Iran & Bush's America".

DV Feb.1, 2007 p. 20: "Iran gives first kick to USA".

DV Dec.16, 2006 p.12: "Iran must not disappoint world: No compromise with USA".

DV July 1, 2006 p.17: "In support of shifting Israel to USA".

DV June 1, 2006 p. 7: "Attack on Iran may ends US hegemony".

DV May 1, 2006 p.7: "US attack on Iran will bring multiple benefits to world".

DV Edit March 1, 2006: "American attack on Iran will provoke reckless suicide bombs: Christians warned against zionist trap".

DV Jan.1, 2006 p./9: "Shift Israel to Europe: Ahmadinejad"

DV June 16, 2005 p.5: "Iran must go ahead with bomb for self-protection".

DV Sept.16, 2004 p.26: "Fall of Iran as intellectual giant"

DV April 1, 2004 p.5: "In defence of Iranian bomb".

DV March 1, 2004 p.10: "Iranian revolution melting?"

DV July 16, 2003 p.19: "Iran digs its own grave".

DV May 1, 2003 p.6: "Iran's strange silence".

DV Jan.1, 2003 p.15: "Is Iran falling prey to zionist saboteurs?"


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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